Thursday, November 29, 2012

7 weeks left

And it’s a little scary to think about! I am meeting with my doctor every two weeks now, and soon it will be every week! I can’t believe this is happening already. I don’t feel like I am ready for this, but I am sure that I am. Maybe. At least my Father in Heaven thinks that I am ready. I hope he’s right.

Things have been going well… and Josh and I are enjoying these last few weeks together as just the two of us. Josh couldn’t be more excited to be a dad, he has wanted this for so long. And I know that he is going to be a great dad, too. And thinking about him holding our son makes me weepy… and excited. I just can’t tell you how excited he is. He loves to touch my stomach and feel the baby moves {which happens a lot now-a-days}, and talk about how awesome our son is going to be and how cute he will be. I just hope that he looks like his father when he father was a baby. Talk about a cutie pie. And probably one of the chubbiest babies ever.

Our little one likes it when I play loud music. At least, I think he likes it because he always kicks to the beat {no joke. I am absolutely serious here… is that normal?} and he moves like crazy. Some songs he doesn’t like, but that’s alright. He really likes Ed Sheeran and Muse, so that’s good. He also likes M83. And so do I!!! This little one has good taste in music. At least what I think is good music haha

Pretty much nothing exciting has happened in the last month. Oh well. I am going to try to be better about blogging, though, now that the time is coming closer.

This is the song that little Lex likes the most {and his momma does, too}

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The past couple of weeks

We haven’t done much, I tell ya.

my dad had surgery on his foot. I had my gestational diabetes test.
Surgery went well. And he gets his hard cast on Thursday. Thank goodness, then it might be just a little bit easier for him to get around. The doctors told him to STAY OFF HIS FOOT… but my dad is a 64 year old man who is impatient and stubborn. So sometimes he walks around on it just to test it out… see how badly it hurts. It’s a little frustrating, but I can’t do anything about it. He’s my dad.

The test really wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got the lemon lime drink and it was ice cold. It was like a sprite without the carbonation. I kind of felt a little bit gross after I drank it, but it passed. Then I had to sit for an hour and wait until they called me back to draw my blood. Yay! More blood!

OH I also found out that my cat peed on a lot of my clothes. That snuggly little thing. I just about killed him. Now I have to re-wash all of my clothes. WHY he did that, I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever know. It’s unfortunate that humans and animals can’t communicate with each other.

AND that is my life. There is a baby shower for me on Saturday … so hopefully I will have so many pictures from that. Yay!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh, Monday

It’s been a crazy week.

My dad broke his leg/foot on Thursday so Josh and I have been taking care of him for the past few days. He is completely immobile, which is unfortunate for him, but it’s okay for me because I get to spend a lot of quality time with my dad right now.
He has to have surgery {blah} in order to fix it completely, soooooooo that’s what we get to do. It’s been a fun few days.

Other than that this last week was really great. Josh and I have been able to spend a lot of time together {thank you, dad} and the baby has been kicking and moving a lot! {again, thank you dad, and paramedics… Even inside the womb Lex thinks you are all amazing}

Unfortunately, that is my life right now … there is nothing else happening. The End.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


We went to the King Tut exhibit for Josh’s birthday a couple of weeks ago, and had a blast. Unfortunately, I didn’t take very many pictures of what we did after we toured the exhibit, but I do have a few.

CIMG4016Josh copyCIMG4019

Monday, October 8, 2012

Happy Monday!

Things have been so great lately. Josh and I just moved {yay!}, we are getting Alexander’s nursery set up, we went to the King Tut exhibit, and … um … probably other stuff but I can’t remember it. Story of my life.

I don’t have any pictures of my new place because it’s not quite ready yet. It’s getting there, though! The kitchen is teeeeeeeeny tiny, but I really love it. Green counters and all. It’s nice to be on our own again. It’s just so quiet, and when Josh is at work there is nobody to talk to. And time goes by a lot slower … It’s tempting to just drive over to Josh’s parents house just to hang out so I wont drive myself crazy with the silence.

The King Tut exhibit was AMAZING! It was so fun. I have lots of pictures. Here, look at them.


{why yes, that is an ancient toilet seat. Neat, eh?!}


I had no idea that King Tut’s whole name was Tutenkhamun {pronounced “Toot-en-common”}. So I then asked my husband, “why do we call him King Tut? Shouldn’t his name be King Toot?!” Josh thought it was funny, but I am serious. So that’s what I call him now.

That’s pretty much my life recently. Life is so great right now, it’s a little bit ridiculous.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012




Today is a day to never be forgotten.
It’s a day that 11 years ago I woke up thinking that my dad left a movie on
It’s a day that my mom ran into the bathroom while I was taking a shower to tell me what was happening
It was a day of confusion
It was a day of fear
It was a day of teachers not giving lessons and keeping the television on all day

It’s a day to remember those that sacrificed their lives on that day to keep people safe. And a day to remember those since who have fought for our country to maintain that safety. It’s a day to remember those men and women who were killed as innocent bystanders in an act of terrorism, and a day to remember their families.

Never forget.

Friday, September 7, 2012


I feel like my brain has been shutting down lately. It’s kind of crazy. And a little funny. I can’t remember words like … feet, or shoe. Sometimes I forget my cats names. Shopping carts are now hangers {I can’t even explain that one}. The other day I asked Josh if he microwaved the floor. Of course Josh knew that I meant vacuum, buuuuuttttt he still laughed at me a lot. But if this is one of my only side effects of being pregnant, I will take it. Seriously.

Things have been normal around here. Just preparing for baby Alexander. We call him Lex. He has been moving SO much. He kicks really hard, and sometimes my hand twitches when he kicks at my hand because he is kicking so hard.
We have bought him a few outfits. I am trying not go to overboard with the clothes, though, because I know that we will be getting a lot. People can’t help but buy baby clothes. Who doesn’t like baby clothes?! THEY ARE SO TINY AND CUTE! At least, that’s what I think. :D

Josh has been working so much. And he starts school next week through our church. It’s a pretty cool program that costs next to zero money {thank goodness} and this program allows him to matriculate to one of our church schools next school year while still paying next to nothing. It’s amazing. I am taking off the next few quarters from school so Josh can have a turn to further his education. I am okay with it, and it’s nice to work and to save money for our baby. Josh will still be working full time, too. He is my hero. :o)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

So it happened like this

I called the place to have my ultrasound and made the appointment one week in advance.
Then I waited. And waited. And waited. All week long.

FINALLY! Thursday came around, and I had to drink water and hold my bladder an hour before my appointment. When we got to the ultrasound place, I was ready to pee my pants. I was doing the potty dance all over the lobby, and the lady at the front desk thought I was hilarious.
It only took a thousand hours for her to enter my information into the computer, but shortly after I was called back by the technician and the ultrasound began.

First they had to check areas that I didn’t really care about. All I wanted was to see my baby. When we finally got to see my baby he was hunched over into a tight little ball because my bladder was so full. After she checked some stuff I was able to “relieve my bladder” {her words, not mine} and I probably peed for 5 minutes. It was crazy. I felt much better, though. And then we did some more ultrasounding. Baby did NOT want to show his cute little face, he was being very shy. He kept turning around and facing my back whenever she wanted a good shot of his face. At one point he even put his arms over his face like he was saying “DON’T LOOK AT ME!” it really was quite cute.
Lucky for us, though, he was not shy about showing his little boy parts because we were able to see that quite clearly. He is such a little boy already.

The rest of the ultrasound is kind of a blur, and all that I can remember is that I was in awe of the fact that I am having a little boy. my very own little boy. A son. Josh is over the moon excited. And it is sweet to hear him say “I am going to have a son. my little Alexander.”

We feel so blessed to have this opportunity to have a child. We really didn’t think that it was ever going to happen. I am grateful that my husband has such strong faith because without his faith I am not sure we would have gotten to this point.

We are just so excited to start buying and receiving little baby boy clothes. And start our registry. :D Life is so good right now.


Thursday, August 30, 2012

And the verdict is …

that I am the worst blogger that ever lived.

A boy.
Who would have thought?!
I was convinced that we were having a girl. I pretty much knew.
But I am already so in love with my little boy.

It’s a little late for me … so I will tell you more tomorrow about my ultrasound and all that wonderful ness. :o) For now, here is a picture of our little boys first outfit. I hope he can fit into it when he is born.

photo 2

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some days …

are magical and wonderful.

Tuesday I felt my little baby for the very first time while I was at work. I felt it rolling around all over the place. It was so exciting!!! I have felt the baby before, but only when laying on my back. This, though, was a completely different feeling. One that I don’t ever want to forget.
On Wednesday {yesterday} the baby was moving It just wouldn’t stop. And then after it would move and find a place that was comfortable I could feel this weird pressure like something was trying to escape. And then it would either punch or kick me. Luckily it doesn’t hurt, but it was such a weird feeling.

There are other days {like today} where I am a big ball of stress and crying all over the place. One thing stresses me out and it’s over for the rest of the day. My hormones completely take over. And it’s the weirdest thing. I always say this, but I still feel so sad for Josh who has no idea what to do when I am freaking out and crying all over the place.

That’s the end of my weird story for the day. See you tomorrow.

Monday, August 13, 2012

What a day

Today was a day off for me, but a working day for Josh. It’s nice to sleep in. I was only up for a little bit with Josh to make his lunch and then eat breakfast. I promptly fell back asleep when he walked out the door at 8:45. Then I woke up at 11. Woops! I really didn’t mean to sleep for that long, but I couldn’t help myself. I have been just so exhausted lately.
I know that they say during the second trimester you regain your energy, but I don’t know when my energy is supposed to come back. I am a full month into the second {only 2.5 weeks until I am half way guys!} and I can’t keep my eyes open if I have been awake for longer than 3 hours.

Poor Josh is sick with some sort of bug. I think he has the flu. But of course he went to work anyways. I guess I am lucky, though, that he has such a strong work ethic. He never calls out. Ever. I think that in the year and half he has been working at Kohl’s he has called out once, and it was an emergency. Josh will certainly be teaching our children about the importance of working for what you want/need. He is such a good man.

I talked to my dad today! We have been playing phone tag for nearly 2 weeks! He told me that he asked my mom for a divorce. Which I wasn’t fully expecting, but at the same time I was expecting it. I was just expecting my mom to do the asking, not my dad, because he still loves her so much. I am a little bit relieved, but kind of unsure of what to do.
I am just glad that I live close to at least one of my parents so I can visit them. And I am glad that I was able to grow up with both of my parents, even if life wasn’t movie-perfect. If anything, this teaches me how important marriage is and how extremely important it is to always continue working together no matter how hard things get.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Happy Friday!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Downton Abbey
2. My body pillow. SO AMAZING.
3. Feeling baby move because I am poking it so much. It’s kind of cute.
4. Taquitos. They have never tasted so good!
5. Kitty kisses
6. Early morning snuggles with my love
7. My co-workers being as excited as me to find out what the sex of my baby is {only 3ish more weeks!}
8. Baby clothes. Josh and I LOVE looking at them!
9. Body butter
10. All the wonderful sunshine!


And just for giggles, here is a picture of me last week at 16 weeks.


Thoughts of a crazy pregnant lady

Who needs to stay up late? Bed at 7 for me! Sleeping in?! Okay. Sounds good. Waking up at 9. 14 hours of sleep? Check.
Holy crap I have never been this tired. In my life.

My ladies? why yes, they have grown 47320482309483209 sizes. Please stop staring at them. I promise they wont bite. {and yes, people that I meet at work … my ladies are the first thing they look at}

I never thought that a body pillow could help me sleep so well.

Crying? I am so used to it. Everything makes me cry these days. Is Josh? Sort of. He still laughs at me when I start to cry for no reason.
Crying and then laughing uncontrollably? That I am still not used to. It’s so weird. Cry, laugh, cry, laugh, cry, laugh … come on hormones, make up your mind please.

Oh my word, my eyes are so dry it’s a wonder I can cry at all.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

This week has been so fun.

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Driving around with my hubs for three hours just talking and enjoying the sunshine
2. My birthday, of course.
3. Josh wrapping my birthday present in … a target bag {because he forgot to buy a gift bag}
4. A clean room
5. Eating 4 pieces of French Toast, 5 pieces of Bacon, and 2 pieces of birthday cake
6. Still being hungry after eating said food items above
7. Josh putting his face on my belly and telling our little baby how much he loves it
8. A new nightgown from my sweet sister-in-law. She knows how much I absolutely despise anything being on my belly right now, and knew just what to get me. Oh how I love her.
9. Waking up early and laying in bed talking about what we think the baby might be … and funny baby names
10. The Olympics, seriously, I don’t remember anything being as fun to watch.

That has pretty much been my week in a nutshell …

my birthday was on Wednesday, but I had to work {blah} and so did Josh {blah, blah}. luckily, we both had Thursday off and we were able to enjoy the day together. I love him so much.

Monday, July 30, 2012


Things have been a little crazy around here. Josh and I are going on a “fast” from going out to eat {which, unfortunately, we do a lot} and buying unnecessary things … {which I do a lot} and I am so super excited. All of our everything has been paid off, sooooo that’s really nice. And we are just relaxing most days and enjoying my ever growing belly. I will probably start taking pictures of that soon … it’s just kinda freakin me out that there is something in there. growing. and it’s growing really fast, too.

We got to hear the heartbeat on Friday! It took a little bit for the doctor to find little baby’s heartbeat, though. I was starting to get worried. Finally he found the baby … in a corner of my uterus way down low. Silly baby. The heartbeat was magical. When we were able to hear the heartbeat the sound would get all static-like, so naturally I was freaking out thinking that my baby was having a heart attack or something, and my doctor smiled at my concerned face and said that the static sound was my baby moving around. And let me tell ya, that little one was moving SO much. Most of the sound we heard was static because the little one was so active.
I can’t believe that there is a little something moving around so much in there and I can’t even feel it yet! I really can’t wait until I can feel it.

Things are so good, life is good, and we are so blessed right now.
Josh and I are more in love than ever, and I didn’t think that I could love him anymore than I already did. Finding out that we were going to have a baby really solidified our relationship and it’s growing into something even better. I can’t wait to see him as a daddy. He is going to be such a good one. :o)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

things I think of on a daily basis right now

How much is too much sleep? I feel like I could probably stay in my bed all day long and be fine. I actually could sleep for a week straight and still be exhausted.

Eating a whole can of spaghettio’s is okay … right?

Giving in to my cravings of hamburgers and pizza whenever I want them… is that also okay? I mean … if the baby wants it then I should probably eat it … right?!


What the heck is up with my dreams lately? Dinosaurs, James Franco, Divorce {ya, I have had two dreams about josh leaving me … totally weird because our marriage couldn’t be better right now} and they are all so vivid. Like its real life.

I am not going to cry today.
Scratch that. I wont cry more than once today.
Never mind. I wont cry more than three times today.
Okay, I am just giving up on trying not to cry at all today. :o)

**I just love being pregnant. It’s so weird … and things happen that I seriously didn’t expect. Nobody tells you about the awkward things that happen when you are pregnant, but that’s probably because it’s soooo awkward. And I have also come to find out that I can’t trust the internet ladies when I have random questions that my books don’t answer. they always end up saying something like “that happened to me and then something extremely terrible happened. Just warning you.” So then I freak out {naturally} and cry and call josh at work convinced that something REALLY BAD is going to happen. And then nothing happens.**

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


On Sunday night I had to work. Which is nothing new. Except for that I was supposed to be off no later than 11pm … but I didn’t get home until 11:45pm which was not so great. I also had to open the fitting room {at Ross … where I work} the next morning! So I had to wake up early the next day … blah!
When I got home I was so tired to the point that I cried. a lot. poor josh I always feel so sad for him when I am being extra emotional. anyways, my wonderful hubby told me something exciting! His sister, Chelsey {the one that moved to Utah in January}, surprised the family with a visit and she is going to be here all week!!!!!! Instead of my usual bubbly excitement, though, I cried even more because I didn’t get to see her and enjoy the surprise. I was a pitiful sight to behold laying on the bed crying in my pj’s. josh just patted my arm kissed my forehead and walked away.

Anyways, I did get to see Chelso yesterday, thank goodness, and it was wonderful. she got to see my tiny baby bump that I swear showed up out of nowhere overnight. it was so good to see her, and I think that we might be having a slumber party in Gig Harbor sometime this week. HOORAY! It will be fun times.

I will probably forget to bring my camera, but I will try to remember.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

4 Years Later …

wedding 3

wedding 2

wedding 1

I cannot believe that we have been married for 4 years already! it is great to know that I always have somebody that I can rely on, and that he knows he can always rely on me.
we haven’t done anything magnificent today … Josh had to work and I didn’t … so I hung out at home and did the laundry {just kidding! I read a book all day} and then he came and picked me up and we went out to dinner. Mexican food. Because I have been craving the Mexican Restaurant style chips and salsa … they are SO good! then we went on a drive and talked about our little bebe.

I love my husband more every day, and I have found that I love him even more and with an even deeper kind of love now that we will be having a little one. our life is good, and we are so blessed.

The day I found out


Was a rainy day in May {which rhymes by the way}, and I had a seriously bad sinus infection. It started on Thursday, and by Saturday it was unbearable, so I went to urgent care because I realllllllyyyyy needed some drugs to take care of it. I mentioned to the doctor that things weren’t goin’ on down there and I was a week late, but I said that I thought it was because I was sick. he offered to let me take a test just to make sure and I said ‘alright’ not really thinking that anything was going to happen.
Then he came back. Sat down. Turned on the computer. Turned and looked at me and said, “it looks like congratulations are in order because you are pregnant!”
I just stared at him … and then looked at Josh thinking if this was a joke. We were absolutely stunned. STUNNED! and had absolutely no idea what was going on. Then I turned back to mr. dr. man and said “what? can you repeat that?” so he tells me again … and then I cried. and cried. and cried. and cried. for all day long. we drove home and told everybody. EVERYBODY! we called parents, grandparents, siblings that don’t live here, it was absolute chaos for a little bit.

after a few weeks {it was 5! and they were the LONGEST 5 weeks of my life} we finally got to see our little bebe! it was flipping and flopping, somersaulting, waving and wiggling all over the place. it was beautiful. and mine. and I cannot wait to snuggle and kiss it every day of its life.

josh and I are so excited to be parents. just so, so, SO excited!


{p.s. congrats to my friend Kennedy! Who had her baby today!! Their very first little boy after three super cute little girls, and let me tell ya, he is super handsome!}

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Not much happening in my neck of the woods

Which is probably the reason why I haven’t been writing anything. Shame on me. I could probably come up with something, but these days I am too lazy to think.

School is out for the summer! Hooray! Classes start again in September! YAY! Classes for fall quarter include: Physics, English, Economics. What am I thinking? But I am pretty positive that it is going to be okay. This is my last English class (praise the Lord), SOOOOO that will be wonderful.

I need to clean my room. SO.BAD. I have been sick, though, for a while. Allergies are so bad that I can’t even think straight. I have a doctors appointment on Friday so they can test me. Or something. That should be fun. SOOO my allergies make it so all I want to do is sleep, and when I am in my room, sleep is what I do! It’s pretty sad. I hang out in my PJ’s most days. Actually I hang out in my PJ’s every day, and I change when I go out and about (if you’re lucky), or when I go to work. That has been what my life has been like the past couple of weeks. really exciting, eh?

Josh and I went to see a movie last night with his brother and sister.We saw Brave. I swear, if you haven’t seen it you need to. It is so stinkin cute! I loved it. Definitely not a “normal” princess movie, but those are still good. Merida is the main Character, and she is super spunky and determined. I just loved her, and her three little brothers who were little tyrants. So cute. Anyways, see that movie. It’s great.

Josh is determined to buy a house. So we are looking at houses to buy in this area. It’s an adventure for sure! House hunting is hard. I told Josh that we need to start searching for a real estate agent so they can help us find the place that would work best for us.

UM!! I just found the trailer for Taken 2. Have you seen the first one?! Talk about intense. And the second one doesn’t look disappointing, either. :o) Watch it.


Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Friday!

Um … I am officially the worst blogger ever. I am trying to be motivated, but I haven’t been feeling to well lately, andddddd I just want to sleep about 95% of the time. The other 5% I want to sit and stare at nothing. It’s been an exciting week or so.
SO lets see what has made me smile this week …

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Looking up funny pictures of cats.
2. Eggs! I love them.
3. Cream of Wheat!!! THE BEST EVER!
4. Visiting my padre, he is so snuggly.
5. Getting a larger than normal paycheck. Thank goodness!
6. Rain, and the chance of a thunder storm and lightening.
7. Realizing that the quarter is ending next week, HOORAY! Then I can just work and relax.
8. Phineas and Ferb. Best show ever.
9. Not doing laundry … and making Josh do it instead. Sometimes I just need to not do that absolutely necessary thing.
10. Snuggling with my love in the morning and talking about the most random things!

The past month has been soooooo interesting {by past month, I mean May}. Tonight I am going to watch a movie called “a little bit of heaven” and I am really excited. It has Kate Hudson in it. And I love her. Seriously, I do. She is so cute.

Here is a picture of a silly cat.

This is totally what my cat, Boo Radley, would do. Such a turkey. :o)

{picture found here}

Monday, June 4, 2012

Just A Little Too Much

I heard this song for the first time in the movie “Something Borrowed” {which I am still on the fence about. I am just not sure how much I love/like it …}
Oddly enough, I couldn’t get it out of my head tonight.
So I found it on youtube, of course!
I listened to it, and looked over at Josh while he is on the computer and dancing along to the song. Small movements, but dancing none-the-less.
Then he says, “I kind of like that song.”

I love him.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thankful for Wednesdays

Today I have the day off. Thank goodness. Josh is taking me to dinner tonight. HOORAY! It’s not a special occasion or anything, we just really wanted to go out. We are going to Red Robin. It’s our favorite place, and we REALLY love their buzzard wings. Seriously, they are so good.

Things have been so good lately. Work is fantastic. Josh got a promotion. We are contemplating building a house {I have no idea if it will happen, but it’s nice to think about and talk about}. I feel like Josh and I are getting closer to our goal: having a baby. Sometimes I feel like my whole life kind of revolves around where we are in our life just so we can have a baby. It would be so fun to have a little baby in my arms. Hard work, and probably a lot of tears on my part because 1) I would be a mommy and 2) I wouldn’t know what the heck I am doing. Haha. Having a baby, I am pretty positive, is not like having two cats. Cats can be alone for long periods of time. Babies can’t.

I am supposed to be finishing my essay for history. Then I have to write a full paper for next week and then my history class is OVER! Whew! Only two more weeks left with my other two classes. Thank goodness. I am really looking forward to it. Then I can work all the time and save money. And not have to worry about working so much and not getting my schoolwork done. I only work 20 hours a week, but it’s weird because I either work in the middle of the day or at night time. I can get a lot of school done if I work at night, but not in the middle of the day. I have no energy after work, and I am too slow before work. *sigh* Oh well. Only two more weeks left. YAY!

I started watching this show called Jericho. WHY DID I NEVER WATCH IT BEFORE?! It was popular in 2006 and 2007, and I never watched it! I wish I had. It is SO INTENSE! And good. It’s on Netflix for those of you who have that and want to watch this awesome show. I love it. So does Josh’s family.

Anyways, that’s about it … Have a great Wednesday!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Um. I can’t believe that it’s been pretty much over a month since I last posted anything.
It’s probably because nothing at all has happened. At all. Nothing. It’s kinda sad.

I had a sinus infection all weekend. That was a terrible thing to behold. I have only ever had one in my whole life and it was when I was a Freshman in High School. That was 8 years ago. Obviously I do not get sick very often. Josh accused me of being super whiny, and “cry-e” but I can’t help it. When I don’t feel good I cry a lot. It’s so rare that I get sick like that anyways, but he took good care of me. There was a lot of snuggling and movie watching.

Josh got a promotion at work! We are … staying in Washington for a while longer … I KNOW! I was so excited to move to Utah, but things started happening and promotions were thrown at Josh and we would have been crazy not to take them, so here we are. Looking for places to rent in … Puyallup. *bleh* but what can ya do? It’s either this town, or the town next door which is 8390483209840329 times worse than here. It’s going to be so fun, though. We are really, really excited.

Anywho… that’s all for now. I am going to be better about updating, though! Promise!!!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Happy Friday!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. The video at the bottom of the page. It’s so great.
2. A weekend where all I will do is work. I am actually looking forward to it.
3. Looking at places to move with Josh. It’s going to be so good.
4. My brother in law being a full-time missionary!
5. Creating a budget.
6. Hearing old songs on the radio! woohoo!
7. A lot of rain.
8. Pottermore.
9. Cookies. {Yeah, that sugar diet … didn’t work out haha}
10. Getting 100% on my first Psychology project! Maybe online classes aren’t so bad after all … :o)

This week has been pretty great. I pretty much just worked and did homework every day. Some days I would stay in my pajamas all day, and that was okay with me.
Because Josh and I are planning on moving, I created a weekly budget that pretty much only involves paying bills. I really like creating budgets for our little family. Keeping to them is REALLY hard. I think that this time we will be able to do it, though … and I am SO excited about it.

Have a good weekend! Enjoy this video.

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Oh, how I love them.
I love how much they sacrifice in order to serve the Lord.
How they go to foreign countries and learn a new, and sometimes hard, language for people they don’t know yet.
I love that they leave their family and friends behind to serve and bring people to the Gospel.
I love this church.
I love those boys and young women that are missionaries!
If it wasn’t for them, I would not be here today.

I especially love this missionary:


imageand here are some photos from last night: {thank you sister ‘Ryssa for all your loverly instagram photos that I steal from you}


So little Johnny boy {or should I say, Elder Larsen} you are gone now, but we know that you are doing the things that the Lord would have you do. We are super proud of you, and we know that you are going to bring many people to the Gospel because you are so caring and you are genuine. AND you’re a boss. {I can say this because you won’t read this probably for at least two years haha}
Love you!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sometimes … the Lord plants an idea in your brain and you go with it because, well, it’s what you’re supposed to do. Then out of nowhere BAM! Plan is changed … now I have no idea why that plan was even planted in the first place. Maybe it was so we would prepare and then because of our diligence we were blessed with something even better.
Our Heavenly Father is soooo funny sometimes. :o)

In other news I decided that I am going to quit sugar for a while. Probably a month. I went completely ridiculously crazy with sugar during the holiday season, and my sugar addiction didn’t end after the holidays. We had like a bajillion birthdays and then Valentines Day, and then Easter, and not to mention General Conference {we make a lot of treats and eat a lot of licorice}. Now that all the candy and cookie making days are over I am stopping my sugar eating. Whew. I am glad that I am doing this because I know eating all that stuff is so bad for my body.

Today is a hang out in your pajamas all day not bother to get out of bed, and listening to Kings of Leon radio on Pandora kind of day. Also a snuggle with your fat cat kind of day. I should be doing homework, but I just can’t find the energy to. Maybe it’s the lack of candy. It will get done, though,  but it’s not due until midnight.

I watched this video this morning, and it made me a little bit weepy because it was fantastic. It’s a story about a little boy who builds an amazing arcade out of cardboard. He melted my heart. Watch it.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Ever wanted to know what my beloved home town of Gig Harbor is like?
It’s pretty much exactly like this video.

And yeah, It’s pretty much always raining here. It’s just another thing that I sort of love about Gig Harbor.
It’s okay to be jealous that I grew up here. :o)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Please do not sit on the cows

A couple of weeks ago Josh and I went on a date to see The Hunger Games!
It was so good, and we loved the movie. We had such a fun time, but hardly any pictures were taken. I am trying to get into the habit of bringing my camera with me everywhere I go, and since it’s only a little point and shoot type camera it’s easy to cart around in my purse … I just can’t ever remember to take it out of my purse! Haha


Monday, April 9, 2012

Popcorn Popping


Today was a fantastic day! 70 degrees and beautiful clear blue skies.
Josh bought me a new dress, and then we got some Frozen Yogurt at our favorite place – Bella Peach!
Josh and I went for a walk at our favorite park!
We came home hung out for a little bit, then went outside in our back yard and had a picnic.
While on our picnic we read a book that we are reading together – 5 chapters!
We came inside and read more of the book! 2 more chapters!
I did homework while Josh did his own thing then we watched General Conference for our Family Night.

It’s been such a great day.



Don’t these flowers kinda look like popcorn popping?

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ho … Hey!

So, I was a pretty bad blogger last week. Sorry about that. I have been so busy!

School started!! :D Well kinda. It was like a “get to know you” think online. All of my classes are online because I needed to get a job, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go to work and school on the same day. It would drive me crazy. So I chose online classes. :o) Yay.

SOOOO on Friday I didn’t get to post anything about my happy times this week, so I will right now.

10 things that made me smile this last week

2. My Kindle Fire spontaneously working out all of its bugs and being able to browse the web again. Hallelujah.
3. Got my transcripts for Winter Quarter: 3.93! HECK YES!
4. General Conference. Seriously, the best ever. {conference started yesterday, but it still mostly counts as last week}
5. This song. It’s really good, and I can’t believe that I had never heard it until last week!
6. These cookies. Seriously, they are so freaking good. My whole family loved them.
7. Licorice.
8. Sister Chelsey. I actually haven’t talked to her in AGES! But I was thinking about things that happened a long time ago with a certain dirty hipster and they just made me laugh!
9. Finally getting a call from Ross saying that my background check came in {It only took 1.5 weeks, but it’s okay}. Now I can work!
10. Moving my dad, and seeing his new place!

This week has been mighty interesting, to say the least! I helped my dad move on Saturday, and then my car broke down. I am not super worried about it, though. It has needed to get fixed anyways, and I think that my car was just saying that he’s had enough. Poor little Optima Prime.
I found some books that I really liked. Too bad they are WILDLY inappropriate, and I would not let my family read them.
My brother and his wife had their new baby today!
Her name is Farrah Jeanne, and she is the the CUTEST newborn. I love all of my nieces {all 6}, and my one little nephew.

That’s all for now. See ya tomorrow, I hope.

Monday, March 26, 2012


Would you like a smile?
Watch this music video. It makes me smile all the time. There isn’t anything super special about it, except for the fact that it’s completely danceable and singable.

So far my Monday has been fantastical. Sleeping in with Josh has pretty much been the highlight of the day. He didn’t have to work until 2 … so needless to say there was lots of t.v. show watching, and move planning while laying around in our PJ’s. :o)

I hope that everybody’s weekend was great, too! We went to my hometown to see a movie and visit my dad! It was pretty amazing. No pictures … :o( Well, I got two, but Josh was starting to freeze to death because it was cold outside. Sad.

Now time to clean and get ready for tomorrow … which is the big purge day. We are going through all of our boxes and clothes and getting rid of allllllll the stuff we don’t want to take to Utah in a few months! Yay!

Friday, March 23, 2012


I actually forgot that I even had a blog … weird.

I hope that everybody’s week was as fantastical as mine!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Getting a 98 on the math test I took a couple of weeks ago
2. Discovering Pandora. I know, I am so behind on the times haha
3. The season finale of The Walking Dead! WHAT IS GOING ON?! So good!
4. Spring Break!!!!
5. My husband dancing around to the Killers “Somebody Told Me”
7. Watching Katy Perry and Taylor Swift music videos with Josh.
8. Josh lip syncing to said music videos
9. Talking to my mom
10. SEEING THE HUNGER GAMES MOVIE! {I will actually see it tomorrow … but knowing I am seeing to tomorrow has made me smile}

Have a great weekend! :D

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today … I woke up to snow. AGAIN! What is going on here?! It’s not usually like this in good ol’ Washington. Rain in March … heck yes. Snow in March … heck no! It usually rains from February until July 4th, and then we have sun for a couple of months, and then it’s back to rain, then some snow {if we are lucky :o)} and then lots of rain. This much snow is a little weird.

I ran some errands today like dropping off some things for my parents and getting my oil changed. Dropping off stuff for my parents took less time than I expected it to … it actually took my longer to drive there than to actually get everything figured out and dropped off. So funny. Then my oil change took almost 2 HOURS! I can only wander around Wal-Mart for so long! Oh well, I got some yummy fruit snacks and Subway today. I had to treat myself for being stuck at Wal-Mart for so long.

Josh and I bought tickets for The Hunger Games! :D We are seeing it on Saturday in Gig Harbor at the super nice theater. It’s going to be so great. Then we get to visit my daddy-o. He is moving next weekend! He decided to stay in Gig Harbor, and that makes me feel a little happier about the whole situation. Whew.

Anyways, that’s it. I am excited for tomorrow. Lots of good things made me smile this week, and I can’t wait to share them!

Oh… I just had to say, I really like Katy Perry’s new song … and video. So I posted it for your enjoyment. :o)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It’s done!

Winter quarter is finally finished. One final yesterday, and two finals today. I am so glad to be able to sleep in tomorrow.
I am so thankful that Josh is super patient with me, and that he was really understanding through all of my stress freak-outs. He’s the best.

I will probably post more tomorrow. Tonight I am going to go to bed early and tomorrow I am going to wake up late. Hooray!

Friday, March 16, 2012


I hope that everybody’s week has been so fantastical! Mine was pretty great, I wont lie. Here are some things that made me smile this week.

10 things that made me smile

1. Playing with my littles today. They make me so happy.
2. Rocking little boy to sleep because he just can’t go to bed without sobbing. It’s frustrating and a little heartbreaking all at once.
3. This was my last full week of classes … next week is finals. Why does that make me smile? Well, spring break of course!
4. Friends re-runs on Nick at night. Hilarious because Nick at Night used to be I dream of Genie and Bewitched and the Cosby Show.
5. Realizing that March 23rd is next Friday. If you don’t know what that means, I have two words. Hunger.Games.
6. Finding a new show! Grimm! It’s so awesome.
7. Lunch with my sister-in-law Heather. So good.
8. Red BOBS.
9. Not having my english class for three days straight. That extra hour of sleep was so great.
10. I GOT A JOB! I am now an employee at Ross {ya know… if my background check comes back clean}

HAVE  GREAT WEEKEND, EVERYBODY! Mine will be spent sleeping and working on my research paper. Yay me!

I had a link to this video last week, but I just wanted everybody to see it. I love it so much. It really makes me smile.
And reminds me of when I met my husband … like how I felt. None of this actually happened when I met Josh.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Oh, the places you’ll go

I took my sister-in-law out to lunch today. We haven’t chatted in a really long time. She is so feisty, and a very snuggly red-head. She has such a tender heart, and I truly just love her to pieces.
It was so nice to talk to her about boys, about life, about moving, about family, and about the Church. She has so much knowledge about things … and I didn’t even know that she knew so much. It was nice getting a new perspective on everything.

It made me think how sad/excited/anxious I am to move away from my family. I am going to miss my dad more than anything, and it makes me so sad to know that he will be here all by himself. At the same time, though, I am excited to start a new adventure with my husband. We will be able to experience new things and grow together as a couple without having our immediate families close by {minus the fact that sister Chelso, and brother Sam + his wife will be in Provo}. It’s going to be nice being grown-up again and living on our own. I am soooo anxious to move because now I am going to have to get out of my comfort zone and talk to new people. I used to be miss social butterfly, but Josh likes to stay home and hang out with me, and as a result we don’t get out much … and it’s hard to make new friends. I am so nervous for Josh because he has a hard time coming out of his shell and meeting new people.

We are excited to move, though. To start a new chapter in our lives. It’s going to be so great.


I found this song. And then I realized that one of my lovely sisters-in-law loves this song by One Direction … and LOVES Boyce Avenue even more.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

winter weather

I woke up today to this:


:o) I hope that everybody has had an enjoyable day! Josh and I are going to hang out, watch our show, and work on my paper. Yeah. The both of us. He has so graciously offered his assistance with this paper, and I am so, so, so happy.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday

It came way too soon. Lucky for me I didn’t have my English class this morning, so I got to sleep in a whole extra hour! Woohoo! Couldn’t have come at a better time either. Daylight Savings kicked my booty yesterday, and I could not even focus during church. Ugh.

Josh and I didn’t do anything this weekend. I watched my littles on Saturday {and they were crazy … in case you were wondering}. I love them so much, though. They make my heart smile most of the time. I also bought some new shoes. They are the “SO” brand of TOMS. They are super comfy, and they were only 20 bucks instead of 60. Really made my night.

Sunday was spent hanging out with my dad eating pizza and cleaning out the garage of food he didn’t want, or couldn’t take with him to his new place. He has decided to stay in Gig Harbor, but he is going to take his motor home out for a spin to see how it works. I told him he could drive to Utah and visit me! He probably will, and that makes me so happy.
We also watched a movie. Tower Heist. Definitely not a Sunday appropriate movie, but it made us laugh and that is really important right now.

I probably should have worked on my research paper … but I really couldn’t muster up the energy. It is due next Tuesday. I am actually going to work on that pretty soon, but I have zero energy. I truly dislike research papers. Oh well. This is the last full week of classes, and I have only one day of finals next week and then I have a week and a half to get ready for next quarter, and clean out alllllll the garbage that we are not taking with us to Utah.
I am really excited. :D

Have a great Monday!!!!!!

Friday, March 9, 2012


This has been a rough week, but I am so grateful for all the wonderful things that happened this week!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Getting an A on my most recent English paper. It feels so good to accomplish these papers.
2. Josh being so willing to help me with my research paper.
3. Receiving a “venting” email from my brothers wife. I loved it.
4. Josh buying me Girl Scout Cookies and Ben and Jerry’s ice cream because he loves me.
5. Extra credit in a class. I love it. Especially when it brings up my grade by 3.5 % :D
6. This video and this video. So good to me.
7. Pre-ordering Heaven Is Here. I am really excited to read it.
8. Snuggling in my bed with my kitty.
9. Reading my scriptures.
10. The sunshine.

I hope that everybody has a great weekend! I am looking forward to hanging out with little boy and little girl on Saturday while their parents go to the Temple. It’s going to be such a great day! And on Sunday I get to hang out with my daddy. :o)

120308-185700Just hanging out with Kimiko in my bed

Thursday, March 8, 2012


So, Josh and I are already starting to go through all of our … er … things … and make piles of stuff we don’t need.

I should just say that I didn’t realize how many things we had until we didn’t use them for over a year.
We are really getting excited to move. :o)

The most wonderful time of the year…

And it’s not Christmas.


Josh is so wonderful to me. He knows how much I love Girl Scout Cookies. I love them more than life! So naturally, I have already eaten half of a box of thin mints. :o) I am saving my wonderful box of Samoas for last.
Josh also bought me two flavors of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Strawberry Cheesecake and Red Velvet.
I love that man.

I pre-ordered a book today!!!!!!! I am so excited, and even more excited because I was able to order it for my Kindle Fire! I would have ordered the book anyways, even if it wasn’t available for the Kindle. I am really so excited to read it. Click here to pre-order it, too! I’m sure you wont be sorry. To read more about the lovely lady who wrote the book click here!

Have a great day! I am feeling so much better today. I am just loving life.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


It seems like everybody is moving these days.

My mom moved to Idaho.
My sister moved to Yakima.
I am moving to Utah.
And now my daddy is going to live and travel in his motor home.

February was a difficult month. My mom was given that job in Idaho, and she took it. She moved two weeks ago, and is enjoying it there. I miss my mom a lot, and I wish that she was closer. I also know that my mom did what she felt she needed to do to have a better life. I just wish that my parents were able to work it out.

My dad has always been a gruff person. I have only ever seen my dad cry once in my life, and that was when I was fifteen and we found out that my mother had breast cancer. I remember him crying, his head on my mother’s lap repeating over and over again, “what are we going to do?” Seeing that made my heart break.
Last night, my dad called me just to talk. It was really great until he started to cry and tell me how much he misses my mom. How lonely he feels. How much he wishes that things could change. He wants her back, and he hates being all alone. He told me of his plans to move, he said he can’t stay in Gig Harbor anymore {understandably}, and he wants to go down to California where it’s warm. He also mentioned something about possibly traveling the United States, which would be really awesome.
I am feeling so sad today. I wish that there was something I could do to help my dad. It also makes me have second thoughts about moving because I don’t want my dad to be all alone here. The thought of it is breaking my heart all over again.

I am now starting to understand why children are told that their parents being separated or divorced is not their fault. Even though I am in my twenties, I can’t help but feel like maybe I could have done something to prevent my parents from separating. Maybe if I had tried harder to keep them together, this wouldn’t have happened. I know that I can’t think that way because I am an adult … but it doesn’t stop me from thinking those thoughts. It’s a weird feeling to have going through my mind, but it’s there. I hope that it goes away soon.

This is my sad little story today.
I am going to watch some shows and snuggle my obese cat. She makes me smile. So does my other non-obese cat. :o)

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How was your weekend?

I am so sorry that I was the worst blogger on the face of the earth last week. I was still recovering from my cold, and I fell asleep at 8 every night. :o)
I am ALL better, though! Now Josh has the cold … and I feel so sad for him!

I worked at the fairgrounds on Saturday … the Sewing and Stitching Expo. I met this lovely lady, and she was so sweet. She came through my line at the food booth and I instantly wanted to snuggle her. Her style is amazing – just go to her blog! You wont be sorry, she is fantastic. I started following her Saturday night almost the minute I got home from working.
I also got to babysit my favorite children! They rock my world. We at cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. We watched a lot of TV, and they actually went to bed when they were told!
Little boy had a peed in pull up in his room that he hid from his mom, but he wouldn’t throw it away. He told me “my dad said that we are not allowed to throw away diapers.” I laughed a lot. Then he asked me to rub his back, but I told him I couldn’t until he threw away his pull up. It was a struggle, and I finally had to just walk out and tell him that I couldn’t do anything for him until his pull up was thrown away. He finally threw it away, thank goodness, and fell asleep about 20 minutes later. Hallelujah. He has the hardest time falling asleep.

Josh is almost all healed from his accident! His wrist doesn’t hurt quite as bad, his elbow is back to normal, and his finger only hurts when he hits it against something. Yay! That makes me really happy. Josh, too.

There is nothing better than snuggling with my obese cat, and watching YouTube videos. Usually she doesn’t like music, and she actually tries to cover her ears when music is playing. Today, though, she is enjoying our music video watching / listening.
She particularly likes this one:
thank you sister for posting it on your blog, because now little kimiko can’t get enough of it.

p.s. I love Justin Bieber.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Nothing Better Than a Monday

I am really feeling the Yeah Yeah Yeah’s today.

I seriously love this song. So much.

Have a great rest of your day! I am off to take a math test.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oh, Tuesday!

Monday wasn’t really exciting. We didn’t do a lot. We just relaxed. Josh worked. I went to school, built a desk, did homework for three hours, and then went back to school for my night{ish} class. We watched The Voice {love that show}, and went to sleep. Nothing super exciting, really.

Today, Josh and I went on a date! We went to Qdoba for lunch {Josh got a shredded beef burrito, and I got a grilled chicken burrito}, and ran some errands. It was a pretty great date. Really low key. So fun. It’s nice to just get away and spend some quality time together.
I am now all registered for spring quarter classes! YAY! I am so excited.

The past three days have been pretty great because I have been able to Skype every day with Chelsey {best sister-in-law ever}. It’s been so nice to see her face, and to plan all the fun things that we are going to do when Josh and I move to Provo this summer.

I have been battling a cold all weekend … my voice went away on Saturday, and was barely audible on Sunday. I teach the CTR 6 class with my husband at Church, and it was SO hard to teach the lesson with my voice gone. Haha! Let me tell ya, Josh and I were quite the pair that day. He had all of his braces on {because he broke his finger, sprained his wrist, and did something weird to his elbow}, and I had no voice. It was amazing.

Anyways, I am watching my new “guilty pleasure” show. I can’t say what it is, for fear that my husbands family would find out, and then the teasing would never end.

Have a great night!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


my family is watching the Academy Awards right now. So this is going to be so quick.

This weekend was crazy eventful. I was able to babysit all day on Saturday for my favorite family. Josh fixed the brakes on the car {possibly broke his right hand, and his left index finger in the process… but… ya know, he is a great brake fixer}.
I said goodbye to my mom on Friday. She is in Idaho now, and I really miss her. That’s a whole other blog post, though. I spent some good quality time with my dad on Friday, too. I love him so much. It snowed a little today. That was pretty great, because I LOVE the snow. So much. I ALSO GOT TO SKYPE WITH CHELSEY TODAY! I miss her a lot. She is truly one of the best people that I know. And one of my best friends {and it’s great that she’s my sister-in-law, it means we can hang out for eternity!}

Today I am feeling so grateful for everything that I have. I love my life, and I love my husband. I love my family, even though my family is totally crazy and lopsided.

Today, I am also in love with this song:

{sorry, I don’t know how to add music to my blog… so I can only post videos haha}

Have a great rest of your Sunday!