Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ho … Hey!

So, I was a pretty bad blogger last week. Sorry about that. I have been so busy!

School started!! :D Well kinda. It was like a “get to know you” think online. All of my classes are online because I needed to get a job, and I knew that I wouldn’t be able to go to work and school on the same day. It would drive me crazy. So I chose online classes. :o) Yay.

SOOOO on Friday I didn’t get to post anything about my happy times this week, so I will right now.

10 things that made me smile this last week

2. My Kindle Fire spontaneously working out all of its bugs and being able to browse the web again. Hallelujah.
3. Got my transcripts for Winter Quarter: 3.93! HECK YES!
4. General Conference. Seriously, the best ever. {conference started yesterday, but it still mostly counts as last week}
5. This song. It’s really good, and I can’t believe that I had never heard it until last week!
6. These cookies. Seriously, they are so freaking good. My whole family loved them.
7. Licorice.
8. Sister Chelsey. I actually haven’t talked to her in AGES! But I was thinking about things that happened a long time ago with a certain dirty hipster and they just made me laugh!
9. Finally getting a call from Ross saying that my background check came in {It only took 1.5 weeks, but it’s okay}. Now I can work!
10. Moving my dad, and seeing his new place!

This week has been mighty interesting, to say the least! I helped my dad move on Saturday, and then my car broke down. I am not super worried about it, though. It has needed to get fixed anyways, and I think that my car was just saying that he’s had enough. Poor little Optima Prime.
I found some books that I really liked. Too bad they are WILDLY inappropriate, and I would not let my family read them.
My brother and his wife had their new baby today!
Her name is Farrah Jeanne, and she is the the CUTEST newborn. I love all of my nieces {all 6}, and my one little nephew.

That’s all for now. See ya tomorrow, I hope.

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