Thursday, April 19, 2012


Oh, how I love them.
I love how much they sacrifice in order to serve the Lord.
How they go to foreign countries and learn a new, and sometimes hard, language for people they don’t know yet.
I love that they leave their family and friends behind to serve and bring people to the Gospel.
I love this church.
I love those boys and young women that are missionaries!
If it wasn’t for them, I would not be here today.

I especially love this missionary:


imageand here are some photos from last night: {thank you sister ‘Ryssa for all your loverly instagram photos that I steal from you}


So little Johnny boy {or should I say, Elder Larsen} you are gone now, but we know that you are doing the things that the Lord would have you do. We are super proud of you, and we know that you are going to bring many people to the Gospel because you are so caring and you are genuine. AND you’re a boss. {I can say this because you won’t read this probably for at least two years haha}
Love you!

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