Our Story

Once upon a time...

I met my prince charming.

But first, I need to go WAY back. {not way back. but a couple months before I met Josh}
I was dating somebody else. And he introduced me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. As a result of my introduction... I met Chelsey. One of the eight sisters of Josh.
We became pretty great friends. It wasn't until her family moved pretty much next door to my family that I started to hang out with her outside of church activities, and then I was pretty much at their house every day, but Josh was not living at home at the time, he was living in Portland with his friends.

One day I was at a movie with a group of friends {Josh's brother Sam being one of my friends}, and we were having a great time! After the movie ended Sam had to take a friend home, but was driving too fast. He got pulled over. For going 90 in a 30... needless to say he had his license revoked. Needless to say ... Josh had to move home to cart Sam around to his job because there was nobody else who could.
And our romance was born.

Actually, not really.

Two days before Josh moved home {temporarily} I was talking to Sam in the kitchen, and our conversation went as follows:
Sam: "So... my brother is coming home in a couple of days."
Me: "Oh yeah! I am excited to meet him."
S: "He's pretty good looking... girls always wanted to date him."
M: "Hm... that's cool."
S: "I think that you two will probably get married."
M: "Not likely, but... thanks anyways."
...two days later...S: "Lara, this is Josh."
Josh: "Hi."
Me: "Hi."
And that was the end of our conversation. This is pretty much how our conversations went for a couple of weeks. He didn't talk to me, or make eye contact with me. And quite frankly, I thought that he was pretty lame because all he did was sit on his computer. He never did anything fun. I tried and tried to get him to talk to me, but he just wouldn't. It was frustrating; I had to be friends with everybody. Finally, though, I finally was able to get through to him. I broke through his weird shell and he starting talking to me. We would stay up late talking to each other on our MSN chat thing ... even though we pretty much lived next door to each other and could have met up outside and talked. We talked about random things like our favorite colors {mine: pink and blue; his: red}, and our favorite foods {me: macaroni and cheese; him: pizza}, but we would talk every night.
Then Sam left for his mission. Josh moved back to Portland -- without even saying goodbye.
I didn't talk to, or see Josh for two months.
Let me give you a quick background story on Josh:
Josh served a faithful mission for our Church in Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, Josh was only able to serve half of his two year mission because he was hit by a car. The weather at the time was frightful ... there had just been a blizzard and there was snow and ice all over the place. Josh was walking on the sidewalk with his mission companion, slipped on some ice, fell, and hit his head on the pavement. Josh was disoriented and knew he had a concussion, and he tried to tell his companion that he had fallen down. Instead of Josh saying that he had fallen, though, Josh yelled: "Elder, this way!" and walked into the street. A driver was going extremely fast for the conditions and hit Josh while going forty miles per hour. Josh went head first through the windshield, and when the car stopped Josh flew out {I don't know how far, exactly, but I think I heard that it was half of a football field lenght} and landed on his head again. Josh also lost more than half of his blood through his head. His mission companion saved his life by giving him a priesthood blessing, and by responding quickly to Josh's needs by calling everybody that needed to be called.

SO Josh was gone for two months. As a result of Josh's accident his health is not as great as it could be, and he gets sick really easily. When Josh came home after two months of being away it was because he had become really ill.
I remember hearing that Josh was coming home ... and it was a very weird coincidence because I had just been talking to his sister, Chelsey, about how nice it would be if Josh came home. It was only a few hours later that I was told by Josh's youngest brother, Soren, that Josh was coming home. For some reason I was over joyed. I knew that his coming home would mean great things for me. I was slightly bothered by that feeling, and I couldn't figure out why I was feeling that way.

Josh came home and recovered from his sickness, and I told him that we needed to go out. He didn't take me up on it right away, but I convinced him that it was a good idea. We went to Round Table Pizza {his favorite}. I paid. We've been together ever since.