Monday, March 26, 2012


Would you like a smile?
Watch this music video. It makes me smile all the time. There isn’t anything super special about it, except for the fact that it’s completely danceable and singable.

So far my Monday has been fantastical. Sleeping in with Josh has pretty much been the highlight of the day. He didn’t have to work until 2 … so needless to say there was lots of t.v. show watching, and move planning while laying around in our PJ’s. :o)

I hope that everybody’s weekend was great, too! We went to my hometown to see a movie and visit my dad! It was pretty amazing. No pictures … :o( Well, I got two, but Josh was starting to freeze to death because it was cold outside. Sad.

Now time to clean and get ready for tomorrow … which is the big purge day. We are going through all of our boxes and clothes and getting rid of allllllll the stuff we don’t want to take to Utah in a few months! Yay!

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