Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday

It came way too soon. Lucky for me I didn’t have my English class this morning, so I got to sleep in a whole extra hour! Woohoo! Couldn’t have come at a better time either. Daylight Savings kicked my booty yesterday, and I could not even focus during church. Ugh.

Josh and I didn’t do anything this weekend. I watched my littles on Saturday {and they were crazy … in case you were wondering}. I love them so much, though. They make my heart smile most of the time. I also bought some new shoes. They are the “SO” brand of TOMS. They are super comfy, and they were only 20 bucks instead of 60. Really made my night.

Sunday was spent hanging out with my dad eating pizza and cleaning out the garage of food he didn’t want, or couldn’t take with him to his new place. He has decided to stay in Gig Harbor, but he is going to take his motor home out for a spin to see how it works. I told him he could drive to Utah and visit me! He probably will, and that makes me so happy.
We also watched a movie. Tower Heist. Definitely not a Sunday appropriate movie, but it made us laugh and that is really important right now.

I probably should have worked on my research paper … but I really couldn’t muster up the energy. It is due next Tuesday. I am actually going to work on that pretty soon, but I have zero energy. I truly dislike research papers. Oh well. This is the last full week of classes, and I have only one day of finals next week and then I have a week and a half to get ready for next quarter, and clean out alllllll the garbage that we are not taking with us to Utah.
I am really excited. :D

Have a great Monday!!!!!!

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