Tuesday, March 6, 2012

How was your weekend?

I am so sorry that I was the worst blogger on the face of the earth last week. I was still recovering from my cold, and I fell asleep at 8 every night. :o)
I am ALL better, though! Now Josh has the cold … and I feel so sad for him!

I worked at the fairgrounds on Saturday … the Sewing and Stitching Expo. I met this lovely lady, and she was so sweet. She came through my line at the food booth and I instantly wanted to snuggle her. Her style is amazing – just go to her blog! You wont be sorry, she is fantastic. I started following her Saturday night almost the minute I got home from working.
I also got to babysit my favorite children! They rock my world. We at cereal and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for dinner. We watched a lot of TV, and they actually went to bed when they were told!
Little boy had a peed in pull up in his room that he hid from his mom, but he wouldn’t throw it away. He told me “my dad said that we are not allowed to throw away diapers.” I laughed a lot. Then he asked me to rub his back, but I told him I couldn’t until he threw away his pull up. It was a struggle, and I finally had to just walk out and tell him that I couldn’t do anything for him until his pull up was thrown away. He finally threw it away, thank goodness, and fell asleep about 20 minutes later. Hallelujah. He has the hardest time falling asleep.

Josh is almost all healed from his accident! His wrist doesn’t hurt quite as bad, his elbow is back to normal, and his finger only hurts when he hits it against something. Yay! That makes me really happy. Josh, too.

There is nothing better than snuggling with my obese cat, and watching YouTube videos. Usually she doesn’t like music, and she actually tries to cover her ears when music is playing. Today, though, she is enjoying our music video watching / listening.
She particularly likes this one:
thank you sister for posting it on your blog, because now little kimiko can’t get enough of it.

p.s. I love Justin Bieber.

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