Thursday, March 22, 2012


Today … I woke up to snow. AGAIN! What is going on here?! It’s not usually like this in good ol’ Washington. Rain in March … heck yes. Snow in March … heck no! It usually rains from February until July 4th, and then we have sun for a couple of months, and then it’s back to rain, then some snow {if we are lucky :o)} and then lots of rain. This much snow is a little weird.

I ran some errands today like dropping off some things for my parents and getting my oil changed. Dropping off stuff for my parents took less time than I expected it to … it actually took my longer to drive there than to actually get everything figured out and dropped off. So funny. Then my oil change took almost 2 HOURS! I can only wander around Wal-Mart for so long! Oh well, I got some yummy fruit snacks and Subway today. I had to treat myself for being stuck at Wal-Mart for so long.

Josh and I bought tickets for The Hunger Games! :D We are seeing it on Saturday in Gig Harbor at the super nice theater. It’s going to be so great. Then we get to visit my daddy-o. He is moving next weekend! He decided to stay in Gig Harbor, and that makes me feel a little happier about the whole situation. Whew.

Anyways, that’s it. I am excited for tomorrow. Lots of good things made me smile this week, and I can’t wait to share them!

Oh… I just had to say, I really like Katy Perry’s new song … and video. So I posted it for your enjoyment. :o)

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