Thursday, August 16, 2012

Some days …

are magical and wonderful.

Tuesday I felt my little baby for the very first time while I was at work. I felt it rolling around all over the place. It was so exciting!!! I have felt the baby before, but only when laying on my back. This, though, was a completely different feeling. One that I don’t ever want to forget.
On Wednesday {yesterday} the baby was moving It just wouldn’t stop. And then after it would move and find a place that was comfortable I could feel this weird pressure like something was trying to escape. And then it would either punch or kick me. Luckily it doesn’t hurt, but it was such a weird feeling.

There are other days {like today} where I am a big ball of stress and crying all over the place. One thing stresses me out and it’s over for the rest of the day. My hormones completely take over. And it’s the weirdest thing. I always say this, but I still feel so sad for Josh who has no idea what to do when I am freaking out and crying all over the place.

That’s the end of my weird story for the day. See you tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I had to smile at the hormonal crying thing. I am like that too, only it's not crying (though there is some of that) I just get angry and annoyed at everything for the rest of the day. Hence the reason Brady has a love/hate thing going on with me being pregnant. Loves that I was able to bring our kids into the world, but hates that I am such a emotional wreck all the time. I hated that I KNOW I'm being a wreck and still can't make it stop! It's nuts to be in your own brain and not feel in full control of everything.

    I hope you get some more energy soon. I never got any until closer to the third trimester with all four kids. Hugs and I can't wait to hear how baby is growing after the next ultrasound!
