Monday, August 13, 2012

What a day

Today was a day off for me, but a working day for Josh. It’s nice to sleep in. I was only up for a little bit with Josh to make his lunch and then eat breakfast. I promptly fell back asleep when he walked out the door at 8:45. Then I woke up at 11. Woops! I really didn’t mean to sleep for that long, but I couldn’t help myself. I have been just so exhausted lately.
I know that they say during the second trimester you regain your energy, but I don’t know when my energy is supposed to come back. I am a full month into the second {only 2.5 weeks until I am half way guys!} and I can’t keep my eyes open if I have been awake for longer than 3 hours.

Poor Josh is sick with some sort of bug. I think he has the flu. But of course he went to work anyways. I guess I am lucky, though, that he has such a strong work ethic. He never calls out. Ever. I think that in the year and half he has been working at Kohl’s he has called out once, and it was an emergency. Josh will certainly be teaching our children about the importance of working for what you want/need. He is such a good man.

I talked to my dad today! We have been playing phone tag for nearly 2 weeks! He told me that he asked my mom for a divorce. Which I wasn’t fully expecting, but at the same time I was expecting it. I was just expecting my mom to do the asking, not my dad, because he still loves her so much. I am a little bit relieved, but kind of unsure of what to do.
I am just glad that I live close to at least one of my parents so I can visit them. And I am glad that I was able to grow up with both of my parents, even if life wasn’t movie-perfect. If anything, this teaches me how important marriage is and how extremely important it is to always continue working together no matter how hard things get.

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