Monday, July 30, 2012


Things have been a little crazy around here. Josh and I are going on a “fast” from going out to eat {which, unfortunately, we do a lot} and buying unnecessary things … {which I do a lot} and I am so super excited. All of our everything has been paid off, sooooo that’s really nice. And we are just relaxing most days and enjoying my ever growing belly. I will probably start taking pictures of that soon … it’s just kinda freakin me out that there is something in there. growing. and it’s growing really fast, too.

We got to hear the heartbeat on Friday! It took a little bit for the doctor to find little baby’s heartbeat, though. I was starting to get worried. Finally he found the baby … in a corner of my uterus way down low. Silly baby. The heartbeat was magical. When we were able to hear the heartbeat the sound would get all static-like, so naturally I was freaking out thinking that my baby was having a heart attack or something, and my doctor smiled at my concerned face and said that the static sound was my baby moving around. And let me tell ya, that little one was moving SO much. Most of the sound we heard was static because the little one was so active.
I can’t believe that there is a little something moving around so much in there and I can’t even feel it yet! I really can’t wait until I can feel it.

Things are so good, life is good, and we are so blessed right now.
Josh and I are more in love than ever, and I didn’t think that I could love him anymore than I already did. Finding out that we were going to have a baby really solidified our relationship and it’s growing into something even better. I can’t wait to see him as a daddy. He is going to be such a good one. :o)

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