Tuesday, July 17, 2012


On Sunday night I had to work. Which is nothing new. Except for that I was supposed to be off no later than 11pm … but I didn’t get home until 11:45pm which was not so great. I also had to open the fitting room {at Ross … where I work} the next morning! So I had to wake up early the next day … blah!
When I got home I was so tired to the point that I cried. a lot. poor josh I always feel so sad for him when I am being extra emotional. anyways, my wonderful hubby told me something exciting! His sister, Chelsey {the one that moved to Utah in January}, surprised the family with a visit and she is going to be here all week!!!!!! Instead of my usual bubbly excitement, though, I cried even more because I didn’t get to see her and enjoy the surprise. I was a pitiful sight to behold laying on the bed crying in my pj’s. josh just patted my arm kissed my forehead and walked away.

Anyways, I did get to see Chelso yesterday, thank goodness, and it was wonderful. she got to see my tiny baby bump that I swear showed up out of nowhere overnight. it was so good to see her, and I think that we might be having a slumber party in Gig Harbor sometime this week. HOORAY! It will be fun times.

I will probably forget to bring my camera, but I will try to remember.

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