Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Not much happening in my neck of the woods

Which is probably the reason why I haven’t been writing anything. Shame on me. I could probably come up with something, but these days I am too lazy to think.

School is out for the summer! Hooray! Classes start again in September! YAY! Classes for fall quarter include: Physics, English, Economics. What am I thinking? But I am pretty positive that it is going to be okay. This is my last English class (praise the Lord), SOOOOO that will be wonderful.

I need to clean my room. SO.BAD. I have been sick, though, for a while. Allergies are so bad that I can’t even think straight. I have a doctors appointment on Friday so they can test me. Or something. That should be fun. SOOO my allergies make it so all I want to do is sleep, and when I am in my room, sleep is what I do! It’s pretty sad. I hang out in my PJ’s most days. Actually I hang out in my PJ’s every day, and I change when I go out and about (if you’re lucky), or when I go to work. That has been what my life has been like the past couple of weeks. really exciting, eh?

Josh and I went to see a movie last night with his brother and sister.We saw Brave. I swear, if you haven’t seen it you need to. It is so stinkin cute! I loved it. Definitely not a “normal” princess movie, but those are still good. Merida is the main Character, and she is super spunky and determined. I just loved her, and her three little brothers who were little tyrants. So cute. Anyways, see that movie. It’s great.

Josh is determined to buy a house. So we are looking at houses to buy in this area. It’s an adventure for sure! House hunting is hard. I told Josh that we need to start searching for a real estate agent so they can help us find the place that would work best for us.

UM!! I just found the trailer for Taken 2. Have you seen the first one?! Talk about intense. And the second one doesn’t look disappointing, either. :o) Watch it.


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