Friday, June 8, 2012

Happy Friday!

Um … I am officially the worst blogger ever. I am trying to be motivated, but I haven’t been feeling to well lately, andddddd I just want to sleep about 95% of the time. The other 5% I want to sit and stare at nothing. It’s been an exciting week or so.
SO lets see what has made me smile this week …

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Looking up funny pictures of cats.
2. Eggs! I love them.
3. Cream of Wheat!!! THE BEST EVER!
4. Visiting my padre, he is so snuggly.
5. Getting a larger than normal paycheck. Thank goodness!
6. Rain, and the chance of a thunder storm and lightening.
7. Realizing that the quarter is ending next week, HOORAY! Then I can just work and relax.
8. Phineas and Ferb. Best show ever.
9. Not doing laundry … and making Josh do it instead. Sometimes I just need to not do that absolutely necessary thing.
10. Snuggling with my love in the morning and talking about the most random things!

The past month has been soooooo interesting {by past month, I mean May}. Tonight I am going to watch a movie called “a little bit of heaven” and I am really excited. It has Kate Hudson in it. And I love her. Seriously, I do. She is so cute.

Here is a picture of a silly cat.

This is totally what my cat, Boo Radley, would do. Such a turkey. :o)

{picture found here}

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