Friday, September 7, 2012


I feel like my brain has been shutting down lately. It’s kind of crazy. And a little funny. I can’t remember words like … feet, or shoe. Sometimes I forget my cats names. Shopping carts are now hangers {I can’t even explain that one}. The other day I asked Josh if he microwaved the floor. Of course Josh knew that I meant vacuum, buuuuuttttt he still laughed at me a lot. But if this is one of my only side effects of being pregnant, I will take it. Seriously.

Things have been normal around here. Just preparing for baby Alexander. We call him Lex. He has been moving SO much. He kicks really hard, and sometimes my hand twitches when he kicks at my hand because he is kicking so hard.
We have bought him a few outfits. I am trying not go to overboard with the clothes, though, because I know that we will be getting a lot. People can’t help but buy baby clothes. Who doesn’t like baby clothes?! THEY ARE SO TINY AND CUTE! At least, that’s what I think. :D

Josh has been working so much. And he starts school next week through our church. It’s a pretty cool program that costs next to zero money {thank goodness} and this program allows him to matriculate to one of our church schools next school year while still paying next to nothing. It’s amazing. I am taking off the next few quarters from school so Josh can have a turn to further his education. I am okay with it, and it’s nice to work and to save money for our baby. Josh will still be working full time, too. He is my hero. :o)

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