Saturday, September 1, 2012

So it happened like this

I called the place to have my ultrasound and made the appointment one week in advance.
Then I waited. And waited. And waited. All week long.

FINALLY! Thursday came around, and I had to drink water and hold my bladder an hour before my appointment. When we got to the ultrasound place, I was ready to pee my pants. I was doing the potty dance all over the lobby, and the lady at the front desk thought I was hilarious.
It only took a thousand hours for her to enter my information into the computer, but shortly after I was called back by the technician and the ultrasound began.

First they had to check areas that I didn’t really care about. All I wanted was to see my baby. When we finally got to see my baby he was hunched over into a tight little ball because my bladder was so full. After she checked some stuff I was able to “relieve my bladder” {her words, not mine} and I probably peed for 5 minutes. It was crazy. I felt much better, though. And then we did some more ultrasounding. Baby did NOT want to show his cute little face, he was being very shy. He kept turning around and facing my back whenever she wanted a good shot of his face. At one point he even put his arms over his face like he was saying “DON’T LOOK AT ME!” it really was quite cute.
Lucky for us, though, he was not shy about showing his little boy parts because we were able to see that quite clearly. He is such a little boy already.

The rest of the ultrasound is kind of a blur, and all that I can remember is that I was in awe of the fact that I am having a little boy. my very own little boy. A son. Josh is over the moon excited. And it is sweet to hear him say “I am going to have a son. my little Alexander.”

We feel so blessed to have this opportunity to have a child. We really didn’t think that it was ever going to happen. I am grateful that my husband has such strong faith because without his faith I am not sure we would have gotten to this point.

We are just so excited to start buying and receiving little baby boy clothes. And start our registry. :D Life is so good right now.


1 comment:

  1. Owen did the same thing...hiding from us and not letting us see his face. Little stinker head boys! lol I'm so glad that you have a few good pictures of his profile! :o) I'm super excited for you guys!
