Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Thankful for Wednesdays

Today I have the day off. Thank goodness. Josh is taking me to dinner tonight. HOORAY! It’s not a special occasion or anything, we just really wanted to go out. We are going to Red Robin. It’s our favorite place, and we REALLY love their buzzard wings. Seriously, they are so good.

Things have been so good lately. Work is fantastic. Josh got a promotion. We are contemplating building a house {I have no idea if it will happen, but it’s nice to think about and talk about}. I feel like Josh and I are getting closer to our goal: having a baby. Sometimes I feel like my whole life kind of revolves around where we are in our life just so we can have a baby. It would be so fun to have a little baby in my arms. Hard work, and probably a lot of tears on my part because 1) I would be a mommy and 2) I wouldn’t know what the heck I am doing. Haha. Having a baby, I am pretty positive, is not like having two cats. Cats can be alone for long periods of time. Babies can’t.

I am supposed to be finishing my essay for history. Then I have to write a full paper for next week and then my history class is OVER! Whew! Only two more weeks left with my other two classes. Thank goodness. I am really looking forward to it. Then I can work all the time and save money. And not have to worry about working so much and not getting my schoolwork done. I only work 20 hours a week, but it’s weird because I either work in the middle of the day or at night time. I can get a lot of school done if I work at night, but not in the middle of the day. I have no energy after work, and I am too slow before work. *sigh* Oh well. Only two more weeks left. YAY!

I started watching this show called Jericho. WHY DID I NEVER WATCH IT BEFORE?! It was popular in 2006 and 2007, and I never watched it! I wish I had. It is SO INTENSE! And good. It’s on Netflix for those of you who have that and want to watch this awesome show. I love it. So does Josh’s family.

Anyways, that’s about it … Have a great Wednesday!

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