Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Um. I can’t believe that it’s been pretty much over a month since I last posted anything.
It’s probably because nothing at all has happened. At all. Nothing. It’s kinda sad.

I had a sinus infection all weekend. That was a terrible thing to behold. I have only ever had one in my whole life and it was when I was a Freshman in High School. That was 8 years ago. Obviously I do not get sick very often. Josh accused me of being super whiny, and “cry-e” but I can’t help it. When I don’t feel good I cry a lot. It’s so rare that I get sick like that anyways, but he took good care of me. There was a lot of snuggling and movie watching.

Josh got a promotion at work! We are … staying in Washington for a while longer … I KNOW! I was so excited to move to Utah, but things started happening and promotions were thrown at Josh and we would have been crazy not to take them, so here we are. Looking for places to rent in … Puyallup. *bleh* but what can ya do? It’s either this town, or the town next door which is 8390483209840329 times worse than here. It’s going to be so fun, though. We are really, really excited.

Anywho… that’s all for now. I am going to be better about updating, though! Promise!!!

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