Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The past couple of weeks

We haven’t done much, I tell ya.

my dad had surgery on his foot. I had my gestational diabetes test.
Surgery went well. And he gets his hard cast on Thursday. Thank goodness, then it might be just a little bit easier for him to get around. The doctors told him to STAY OFF HIS FOOT… but my dad is a 64 year old man who is impatient and stubborn. So sometimes he walks around on it just to test it out… see how badly it hurts. It’s a little frustrating, but I can’t do anything about it. He’s my dad.

The test really wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I got the lemon lime drink and it was ice cold. It was like a sprite without the carbonation. I kind of felt a little bit gross after I drank it, but it passed. Then I had to sit for an hour and wait until they called me back to draw my blood. Yay! More blood!

OH I also found out that my cat peed on a lot of my clothes. That snuggly little thing. I just about killed him. Now I have to re-wash all of my clothes. WHY he did that, I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever know. It’s unfortunate that humans and animals can’t communicate with each other.

AND that is my life. There is a baby shower for me on Saturday … so hopefully I will have so many pictures from that. Yay!

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