Thursday, November 3, 2011

winding down

Now that Halloween is over, I am feeling a little blue. It was so exciting getting all dressed up and being in a fun costume and having a fun time with my in-laws.
Now, I have to unwind from the excitement of last weekend {I know, it’s already THURSDAY! and this weekend starts TOMORROW!} and prepare for this weekend, which will also be exciting. Josh’s best friend, Kris, is coming to play with us all the way from Portland {remember, I really want to go there and play sometime soon!} and we are both excited to see him.

Today, though, I am feeling REALLY sad. Like, ridiculously sad. I am really missing my mom and dad, and I want to go out and see them really, really badly. I don’t know why. This doesn’t happen to me very often. I like to think of myself as independent {for the most part}, but today I just really miss them. I really just miss my family. And Gig Harbor. And I kind of don’t want to live in P-town anymore. I know that I shouldn’t be complaining because Josh’s family is so kind and letting us live here to save money and stuff, but I REALLY miss my home.
I think I just need to cry it out.
Eat some starburst, watch a girly movie, cry a lot, and then go to bed.

I do know that I have a lot to be thankful for. So much. And tomorrow I will have yet another post of things that have been making me smile this week.
I am really happy with life in general, school is going fantastically great, and my husband is pretty amazing.

Have a great night!

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