Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The weather outside…

is frightful, but not that frightful. we are supposed to be having a really intense wind storm in our neck of the woods starting tomorrow through friday. I wont lie, I am actually looking forward to it because I love wind storms. we had one here once that was so intense power was knocked out for days. like a whole two weeks or something ridiculous. I actually had to go to my sisters, who actually lived right down the street and had power, just to take a shower! ridiculous.

school is good. life is good. I know I sounded like such a downer with one of my last posts. I don’t know what’s wrong with me sometimes. I just get into a funk some days, and then I decide to blog about it.

on a happy note, though… I am all registered for classes for next quarter. woot! english 101, math 98, and geology 101 here I come! :D

Um, has anybody seen the show new girl? it’s seriously one of mine and josh’s favorites right now. it’s funny that josh even likes that show because it is so awkward sometimes and he doesn’t like awkward things. he can’t even watch the office, that silly boy.

we are still trying to er … not have a baby right now. maybe once the holidays are over and things calm down, and josh starts his new position {which I can’t say out loud, but I will once its official}, and his insurance kicks in --- which wont be until january! ugh!--- then we are going to start trying again. sometimes weird things happen and we just have to take a step back and look at things logically. and logically, right now, I would probably cry if I got pregnant – and not because I am excited about it. I mean, of COURSE I would be excited, but at the same time there are so many other things that need my attention first. And just because I said that, God is going to play a joke on me and I am going to get pregnant… right when I don’t want to. Ha! He’s funny like that sometimes, especially to me.

Anyhoo… I am going to make sure I didn’t have any homework due tomorrow! Have a good night!

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