Hi. My name is Lara. I am addicted to 19 Kids and Counting. OH MY GOSH I LOVE THE DUGGARS SO, SO MUCH! And, I cried a little when I heard that there will be a 20th baby added to the brood. It’s exciting. And, also a little scary.
Obviously, I know nothing about having babies but I am a little worried about
Mrs. Mom Duggar, and her health, and having another baby when she could have died with her last baby who was born a preemie just to keep her alive.
Anyways, I do love that family, though. I feel like they live the principles of the Gospel {I know, they aren’t members of my Church, but they are fantastic people}, and one day I want to be their friend and hang out in their crazy loud home and play with all their super cute babies.
That makes me sound weird, but whatever.
SPEAKING of having a baby… I want to say Congrats to my friend Kennedy who is expecting her 4th baby!!!!!!!! you can read her blog here. And, she is also an amazing photographer! go here! She is amazing. I have only had the opportunity to meet her one time when husband and I went to Vegas to visit one of his old Mission Companions, but it was so fun, and she is one of the nicest ladies I know.
Holy cow, I am so sorry for posting so super late. I was watching a movie with sisters {a wildly inappropriate one, I might add. Yeah, didn’t think that it would be THAT bad haha}
I am going to bed now.
OH! Yeah, watch Cars 2 if you haven’t already. It was actually SUPER cute, and my husband even enjoyed it. :o)
Nighty night!
Awwe! Thanks! I really hope we get a chance to hang out again one day, cause you guys are so much fun! Hope all is well with you and I am soooo glad you started a blog! I love reading it!