Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween! (# 2)

We had so much fun trick-or-treating last night!
It was crazy scary fun last night. The kiddos made out like bandits on the candy. I don’t even think that the pictures do it justice. It looks like there isn’t a lot there, but really they have a lot. Like, a TON!!

Just a few side notes:
#1. Happy birthday to my dad! He turned the big six three today! I love my dad, he is the bomb.com and I am glad that he is alive!
#2. Um, this might be weird, but I wanted to say Congratulations to Sydney from
The Daybook. She had her baby on Sunday, and I am really excited for her! {I don’t know her at all, never met her in my life, but I LOVE her blog so much, and I am just so happy for her!}

Have a good night!

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