Monday, November 21, 2011


Today is Monday. It marks the beginning of the holidays… officially! Thursday is Thanksgiving! {what are you doing?!} We are going to my parents house for this holiday. I am super excited. Then Josh will be working an overnight at Kohl’s because they open at midnight. Super exciting!

Yesterday {Sunday} was a really amazing day. I had so much fun in my calling… which is working in the nursery. I was feeling sad about Josh and I trying to figure everything out with getting pregnant, and all the babies in the whole congregation were crying and being really loud and it made me even more sad. Like, really ridiculously sad. And I told Josh that I felt that I was never going to have a baby, and that we were just going to be that couple at Church that never had a child and never adopted. Needless to say, I was super bummed yesterday.
So, Josh said a prayer to himself {and while he was praying I looked at him and I was like “are you sleeping? you should wake up, you always fall asleep at Church” and when he didn’t answer I said “oh… are you praying…???” and he silently nodded at me and squeezed my arm haha} and after that I calmed down a little bit.
During nursery I was, again, feeling a little bummed because I wanted to have a little monkey running around the nursery because they are so cute! And hilarious. And then something happened. I started to get all warm and fuzzy. And then a little boy came over {he’s one of my favorite kids to play with}, and he looks at me while putting his tiny hand on my face and said something super cute that I can’t even remember. Then he smiled and in that instant my heart was burning and I knew without a doubt that sometime in the near{ish} future that would be my son. or my daughter. and it will be glorious. and I am so excited.
And then I wondered, is this what Josh prayed about? That I would feel this way today? That I wouldn’t be so sad? I have no idea, because he never told me. But if it was, his prayer was definitely answered.

Also, please read this. I cry almost every time I read it because I know that it is so true. Plus, I love this man so much. he is so cute and SNUGGLY!

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