Monday, November 28, 2011

How was your weekend?

Ours was FANTASTIC! We got good news.
Josh got his PROMOTION! We are so excited. He starts next week. Now he will be, as Josh puts it, “The boss of ALL the shoes.” we couldn’t be more excited. it includes a raise, and more hours. hooray! just in time for the holidays! Oh how I love Kohl's!

Also, the quarter is almost finished. Next week is our last week of school!!!! Finals for me are on Thursday and Friday! HOLY TOLEDO! I really just can’t believe it. The past three months have flown by. But I am excited because that means I get a whole month off from school before I have to start my really hard classes… :o)

Have a great day! It’s beautiful here: Blue sky, crisp autumn air, naked trees. I love it. :D

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