Saturday, October 1, 2011

General Conference, Toddlers, and running!

Today is Saturday… and tomorrow is Sunday. In case you didn’t realize it… but they aren’t just any old Saturday and Sunday. This is one of TWO General Conference weekends. The first one is actually in April, this is the second one. General Conference is where all the members of our faith that are able to watch our Apostles and our Prophet and other members of the Church speak about a topic that they felt we needed to hear. Most of the time, I always feel like whichever topic they are speaking about, is directed right at me. And that’s probably because, no matter what, whenever General Conference is on I am always going through some sort of trial. Always. But anyways, I am super excited and I will keep really good notes about what they are talking about and probably share a couple of my favorite ones soon!

Yesterday I got to go running with my sister, Chelsey. It was so nice. But before we went running, I went to visit her at her place of employment at the moment, which is nannying for a family whose parents are in Hawaii for two weeks. Wouldn’t that be so nice?! Yeah, it would be.
Anyhoo… they have a three year old boy. Who is to die for. Who never stops talking. And is the snuggliest little thing I have ever seen. He is so stinkin cute. And he latched himself onto me and we played and played and played until his sister got home from school, and then we played until it was lunch time, and then we played until it was time to go running (and feed the ducks in the pond. woohoo!) It was so fun. And by the time I had to go home to do laundry and some homework, he decided that we were going to get married. And let me tell you, it was the sweetest thing ever. He came and sat on my lap and said “I want to marry you.” and I almost died because it was so super cute.
It made me REALLY want to have a baby, though. Like more than ever. This month it didn’t happen because… like I said before, we were too busy and there just wasn’t enough thinking about babies. Between the fair and starting school there wasn’t enough time. I feel really bad, though. I sort of feel that if I had thought about it, and put in enough time to think about it and to spend time with my husband more when we actually had time together, then it probably would have happened. But I just didn’t want to think about it. I hardly ate for 17 days. I lost a lot of weight unhealthily. For me, the month of September was not a good pregnancy month. But, never fear. October is here, and it’s going to be a GREAT month. Pregnant or not.
Anyways, Chelsey and I went running, and it’s been far too long since we have been able to do that. A whole month. Thank you fair. And it was awesome. My leggies were so happy to go running again. I feel healthier already. :o)

It’s conference time. I am SO EXCITED!!! YAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!! Have a good weekend everybody!!!

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