Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Friday

10 things that have been making me smile this week

1. Getting a phone call to work on Saturday {tomorrow} yay!
2 Skyping with my best friend two times this week {click
here to see}
3. Getting told by my teacher that my honesty is refreshing. ha!
4. Texting my sister-in-law like everyday. She has been gone this week and I have missed her terribly!
5. My husband telling me how badly he wanted to hang out with me this week. {we have been so busy lately we have hardly had any time to see each other}
6. Being told by a three year old that we are going to get married. So.Cute.
7. Getting ahead on my homework. Go me!
8. Pizza for dinner TWICE. So good. Haven’t had that happen in a LONG time.
9. Snuggling my cats. That makes me smile every week.
10. Finding out an old friends sister met with the
missionaries and was baptized this summer. So amazing.

Have a good weekend everybody!!!!!!!

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