Monday, October 3, 2011

My weekend

was as follows: (starting on friday)
general conference
more conference
eat dinner
watch the relief society broadcast because I missed it last week
wake up --- shower
eat breakfast
general conference
eat lots of snacks
more conference
watch a documentary that was actually really, really good. I cried.
relax with my husband {even though I pretty much had been doing that all weekend anyways}

Then I wake up on Monday… and I am coming down from my sugar high {because let me tell ya… I ate, and ate, and ATE all the sugar in the whole house. I feel so sick now}

It was a magical weekend, though. Full of lovely talks by the leaders of my Church. It was beautiful.
My favorite talk was this one for sure. He is just SO CUTE!

Today is my brothers birthday. he is 19!!!!!!! :o) he will be soon receiving his mission call, and will be gone for two years. I love him SO MUCH! and will miss him a lot. but anyways, we are having his birthday dinner! scandinavian chicken. and rolls. and raspberry cake.

have a good monday!

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