Friday, October 14, 2011

Happy Friday!

Sorry, this is SO much later than I wanted it to be. :( And I wanted to blog yesterday but I got distracted by planning my best friends bridal shower. yay me!
I have been making crafts. I am absolutely NOT crafty. At all. But my sister-in-law, Lyndsey found this cute and easy tutorial on pinterest. So we decided to try it.

imageIt looks so easy… but really, it took me like an hour to do those. And they really don’t look anything like them. I will post pictures sometime next week. I am just way too tired to do anything right now haha. Liz’s colors are a deep purple and like… an olive green? They look really good together. {I use the ? because I can’t remember if it really is an olive green or not}
Anyhoo, it’s been fun getting ready for her little party tomorrow. I baked and helped clean {a little} I did laundry {and that has nothing to do with the party at all} and one of my other friends made some special cookies for the party, too! I will post those later as well.
Do you want to know what’s made me happy this week?!

10 Things That Have Been Making Me Smile This Week

1. Doing good in school! I am so excited about that. Seriously.
2. Being able to plan this party and knowing that it will be over tomorrow {hehe}
3. Being called L squared by my math teacher. Totally random. But awesome.
4. Buying things at the dollar tree!!! THAT PLACE IS AMAZING!
5. Spending time with three of my sisters-in-law. Amazing. I love them so much.
6. My mom. She has been helping me out so much, and I am so grateful for her
7. Sudafed. Thank you whoever invented that. I couldn’t have gotten through this week without you!
8. Being reminded that an old friend is coming home from Boston next week. Oh yeah. It’s going to be amazing!
9. Seeing a friend who moved away a year ago and then moved back. I missed her so!
10. Seeing said friends children again after a year and being snuggled by them. So awesome. I used to babysit those kids. They are my whole world!

Have a good weekend!!! :D

p.s. you can find the tutorial for how to do those streamer flowers here.

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