Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Over Achiever?

{for some reason achiever does not look like it’s spelled correctly}

Today, I was called an over achiever by somebody I go to school with. that is not me. at.all. I am such a procrastinator it is ridiculous. but I decided that while I am at school, I needed to put my procrastinating ways aside and get my stuff done ASAP so I don’t have to stress and worry about it anymore. yay me! and because of that, I have good grades in my classes. So, maybe I am an over achiever. but only with school.

but on another note, josh and I are still trying to conceive. it’s so ridiculously hard. and now that I am doing school I almost feel like baby making should be put on the back burner {not the actual baby making itself, but actually trying to create a baby}. I know that I will not be able to concentrate on school if I get pregnant because I will be so excited about said baby. BUT whenever I start to think that way, my mind says, “NO LARA! don’t be silly. you should have a baby.” so we try and try and try. Anddddd it’s fine. and fun. and it really brings Josh and I closer together as a couple when we talk about our future family and baby stuff. it really does, we rarely disagree on baby things.
SO, I go to this website {well, a couple of them really…} thebump.com it’s really awesome. I enjoy it a lot, and there are all sorts of good things in there to read. But today there was an article that was emailed to me from that website about good advice on TTC. {trying to conceive} and I feel like I was really supposed to read that today. Here is one that I really enjoyed, and can totally relate to:
The best TTC advice I received was to realize that it can take even a healthy couple up to a year to conceive. If I hadn't learned that, I may have believed I was infertile after three months of trying because everyone else in my family got pregnant so quickly. I am now on cycle eight of TTC after coming off birth control pills, but I know that I am still well within a 'normal' time frame for getting pregnant.” – SarahL77
The above story is like the story of my life! My sister, and my mom, and even my sisters-in-law, have been able to get pregnant without really trying hard. It might take a month or two, but seriously people, I was/still sometimes am starting to think that there MIGHT be something wrong with me. But I don’t worry because I read things like this and it brings me hope. yay! hope!

I don’t think that I am pregnant, but I don’t really know what’s wrong with me… my ladies are hurting SO bad. I can barely wear a bra. I can’t even roll over in bed without wanting to gasp in pain. It’s totally weird. I did have my girly time and everything last month, it was 5 days late, and it lasted for my usual 7 days {I know. freakishly long}. But it was really a lot lighter than usual, only one “normal” day, that wasn’t even that normal. And now my ladies are hurting. So ridonculous.
I just had to share this little lovely piece of info because my blog is about trying to get pregnant, and my ladies are tied into that somehow, and maybe somebody somewhere out there who quite possibly reads my blog knows that the h-e-double hockey sticks I am talking about here. and why this is happening.

ANYWHO! have a great night!

p.s. I found this picture while googling random things. It made me laugh. I love Chuck Norris.image

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