Wednesday, September 28, 2011


after reading this blog {they have the cutest baby ever} and feeling super guilty that I didn’t get to enjoy our general relief society meeting {silly fair again} I also decided that it would be a good idea to write down, once a week, ten things that make me happy. And my sister also did this!

10 things that have been making me smile this week

1. Finding an old CD that I have been wanting to listen to forever. Seriously, it was the best moment of my life haha
2.  Waking up this morning to the sun shining, and my husband hitting the snooze on his alarm so he could snuggle me for just a little longer.
3. Snuggling my kitties. They are seriously so sweet.
4. When I go to my sisters blog and she has her playlist playing, and it’s a song I really needed to hear. go sister!
5. My school classes. Seriously, I am so glad to be back in school.
6. Being able to spend time with my husband now that the fair is done. 17 days is too long to not really see my husband.
7. Actually being able to read my scriptures and get something out of it.
8. Blogging.
9. The blessings that I have been receiving lately.
10. Bacon wrapped twinkies. Yes, you heard me. So.Good.

I am planning on doing this every Friday… something to end my week with. I think that it will really help me put into perspective all the good things in my life. And, I am also going to start journaling again as well. I have really missed it. :o)

Happy Wednesday!

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