Monday, September 12, 2011


I am really enjoying today. It was overcast for half of the day, and I loved it. Now it is sunny and currently 67 degrees. I actually wish that I was working right now because it would be ideal.

Have I mentioned that I am working at the fair? It.Is.AWESOME. The first day was ridiculous. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I wanted to. But the last couple of days were amazing, fun filled days. I love the fair people.
I love the fun people that I get to see.
I love Mango and Dango. I have gotten to see them a couple of times already at the fair. And they are the BOMB! I seriously think that they are so funny.
Two of my sisters got a picture taken with them. I am so jealous.
mango and dango
{Dango, friend, Lily, Chelsey, Mango}
--I apologize for not knowing friends name. She is Chels’ friend.--
{thank you again instagram app! and sister Lyndsey for taking these pictures.}

I work in the Gyros booth. It is fun. It’s been so hot the past three days that I worked that I thought I was going to DIE. DIE people! But, I didn’t. And that was lucky. The first day, though… I was so dehydrated. It was terrible when I got home. The second day I tried to stay hydrated as much as possible, but… it was still not easy because I was sweating so much. It was No.BUENO! Yesterday was good, though. I was really hydrated. {FYI I did drink a couple glasses of water after I got home from work before I passed out asleep after showering}
The weird thing is, though… even though I was so dehydrated I have been waking up in the middle of the night the past few nights just to pee. What’s that about? I didn’t think there was any water left in my body to pee out… {tmi… I know.} And I went potty before I went to sleep, too. So weird.

I have a feeling that this month Josh and I aren’t going to be pregnant. I just think that this was one of those months that was too weird. Too much going on. Not enough thinking about babies. That’s okay. There is still next month, and the month after. And all the other months, too.
We talked about something the other day. About adopting. It wouldn’t happen for a LONG time. Because adoption is expensive {so is having a baby, holy cow} but having a baby is something I so desperately want. I want to be pregnant. At least once. Anyways, our Church has an adoption program that’s amazing and someday, Josh and I are going to adopt a baby. If for whatever reason we can’t get pregnant we will adopt. Even if we can, we still will adopt. There are so many children out there who need good homes and good mommies and daddies. We have also thought about being foster parents. I like that idea, too. But we shall see.

Life is good for the both of us. :o)

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