Tuesday, September 27, 2011

All work and no play

makes me a super bad blogger.

Seriously, what is WRONG?! Oh yeah… I have been working 14 hours a day and then I started school.
BUT! now, I am back. and the fair is done. and i am so happy. really. no longer do i, or any of my siblings, have to wake up at the crack of dawn {not literally, but it felt like it some days i tell ya} and go to work for 12-14 hours every.day. it is a nice feeling.

I am back in school. HOORAY HOORAY! and I am kicking butt. Granted, it’s only been a week, but… what can ya do. I am ahead in my school work {yeah, you heard me right… it’s a MIRACLE!} and josh is doing so good at supporting me {not only financially, but also emotionally about this whole school thing.} he says {and this might be tmi} “you are the smartest girl at the school. and not to mention, the sexiest” yeah, I know. It’s so classically what a husband would say, but it makes me feel happy that he thinks I am smart. the sexy part is just… ya know… what he says. haha cause most days I don’t feel that way.

Random, but when I was working at the fair… I lost a total of 5 lbs. the last five lbs. I needed to reach the weight I was when I married josh. now I just want to get a little bit closer to what I was when I actually met him. which is about 10 lbs. lighter and I will be a happy camper. preferably before my friends wedding in November, but… I realize that is not very realistic… or healthy. But I will keep up eating healthy and running {oh yeah, I get to start running again! woohoo!} so that will be fun.

ANDDDDDDDDDD I don’t remember when the last time I blogged was. probably when I wasn’t super busy with the fair, but probably during the fair… lemme see… it was like 10 days ago. BUT I don’t think that I said anything about baby making or anything. I think I touched on it briefly for a second. but I wanted to let you know that josh and I tried this month, but it wasn’t anything special because the fair started, and I was so tired, and I was starting school, and life happened and all of that stuff. anyways, we are still waiting to see if anything is happening. I actually forgot in all the fair hullabaloo when I was supposed to start so… I am just waiting and waiting and waiting. haha, I will keep you updated for SURE, though.

Well. I am going to eat. I haven’t eaten anything more than wheat thins and grapes for 17 days. silly fair and all your busy-ness! :o)

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