Friday, September 16, 2011


I have been working at the Western Washington Fair {er.. the Puyallup Fair} and I have been noticing either a LOT of newborn babies or a LOT, LOT, LOT of pregnant women. Like women that are ready to POP within seconds. It’s crazy. And I’m thinking… wow. How can they walk around. Especially last weekend when it was like 90+ degrees here {crazy, I know} and they were just struttin’ their stuff like it was going out of style {I swear ladies, pregnancy probably will never go out of style}. But there they were. Pregnant. In the really hot weather. I was dying and I wasn’t pregnant. Crazy.
Anyways, I was talking about it with one of my many sisters working at the fair {there are 5 of us working there… me, three sisters, one brother} and she looked at me and goes “is it weird that I am having baby envy?” And I said “No. Because I do. All.The.Time.” It might only be weird for her because she is 16… Haha!
But, really. Seeing all these pregnant ladies and their really excited husbands or boyfriends or whatever they may be makes me really anxious to have a child. I want to be pregnant. I want to be able to feel like I am doing something important… like bringing a child to this earth. It’s important stuff, people! You might think it’s crazy to bring a child into such uncertain times, but I want to! It can only make them better, stronger people in the long run. I think. WELL anyways, I just want a baby SO BAD! And, I pretty much want one right now. This second. But I can wait. If I have to. I will just be really impatient and grumpy because it’s not happening fast enough.
But I am starting to understand that things happen when they happen. And they happen for a reason. And when the time is right, it will happen.
I just wish it was now.

On another note, I got my bridal shower invitations today! WOOHOO!!! and I am SO EXCITED!!! Because I addressed everything and put stamps on them and now I just have to mail them out… which I am going to do tomorrow!! :o) I feel like the best Matron-Of-Honor EVER in the whole world.
I pretty much am. :o)

Have a great weekend!!!!!

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