Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The new year is coming!

How was everybody’s Christmas?! I hope that it was as fantastical as mine was. I was able to spend time with a lot of family, and it was just a blast. We had so much fun.
Our day started off at 4 in the morning because Josh’s dad needed to leave for work at around 5:30. The kids were so excited! They got a Wii from Santa this year! The look on Breezy’s face was hilarious. She just kept blinking her eyes, and had this look of confusion on her face… and then she started giggling.
My mom also bought my sister and her three kids a Wii this year. My oldest Niece was allowed to open the present, and as she was opening it she was like “what is this?!” and then as it was all the way unwrapped she goes “Oh… Grammy got us a WII!” And my sister also had a look of confusion on her face… Which was quite hilarious.
I love watching people open presents. It is the best, because I love faces of excitement and happiness. :o)

So, a little over a month ago I posted this. And now that the holidays are over, Josh and I are going to start trying again. We will start in January… {it’s really perfect timing because it’s that… er… time right now and it will be over in January. Amazing!}
Josh gets new insurance because of his promotion and we are going to get that squared away tomorrow! Things are starting to fall into place, and I am super excited.

I go to this website: The Bump. It’s pretty perfect, actually because it has a lot of information about trying to conceive and advice on what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and all sorts of other really helpful information. It also has a lot of information for ladies who are expecting. I really love this website. Another thing that I love about it, is that it allows you to sign up for emails with articles about trying to conceive or what your baby looks like during that week if you are expecting. I get emails a couple times a week I feel like with information that is specific to what I am looking for, and I absolutely love it.
Just today I got this article which offers advice for things to do to help you be better prepared for conceiving.
Josh and I are pretty excited to get the ball rolling. Things are starting to look up, and it’s going to be fantastic.

Monday, December 26, 2011


I was gone on Christmas Eve, so I didn’t get to take as many pictures as I wanted to. :( But, that’s alright. I can deal with that.
Here are some pictures that I was able to take before I went to my Aunt’s house.

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Sister Chelso. She is singing. She will be mad that this is on here. :o)CIMG3887 - Copy
I put a bad picture of me on here. Chelso took it. I also left B’s eyes red. She thinks it is cool.

Here are some after I got home…

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Josh and I in our new Pajamas! {from Kohl’s}

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Heather and I

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Lyndsey and I

Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Friday!!!!!!!

10 things that have made me smile this week

1. Going to Sequim to visit Liz and her hubby
2. Super Mario Brothers Wii
3. Cleaning my room {weird that I listed that, but it was very satisfying}
4. Having a pizza date with my husband
5. Seeing Josh’s siblings be SO EXCITED that Christmas is so soon
6. Last minute Christmas shopping
7. Reading my Scriptures. Amazing.
8. Spending a whole day with my friend who is home from Rexburg, Idaho
9. Getting an e-mail from my math teacher --- I got 95% on my final exam! woohoo!
10. Relaxing with my love, watching movies we rented from Redbox. So bomb.

Last night Josh and I attempted to watch our Church’s Christmas Devotional, but for some strange reason it wouldn’t load. I think that it’s because of our internet that is terrible right now. I think it’s the weather, honestly. But anyways, we are going to try again. If you want to watch it please click on this colorful link and watch it. I am sure that it is simply amazing.

Christmas is now upon us with only TWO MORE DAYS!!! It is going to be great.
This is an awesome time to reflect on the birth of our Savior, and his mission. I am so thankful for the Savior and for his sacrifice, and I so grateful to a loving God, our Father in Heaven, who was so willing to send his only begotten to live and to die for us.


Wednesday, December 21, 2011


I missed my husband and my cats.
When I got home, my cats went crazy and snuggled me, it’s nice to know that I am missed when I am gone. :o)

I woke up this morning to this:
my cat, Boo Radley, curled around the heater in our room.

The Weekend

Just got to her place! This is the only 1/2 way normal picture of me. :o)

I went to Sequim, Washington. I visited my best friend and her new husband. We baked cookies. We ate two boxes of holiday Skittles, some Taco Bell, one whole bag of Rolo’s, we also ate {mostly me} a lot of cookies.
We played Super Mario Brothers for the Wii… for like 6 or 7 hours straight.
We slept in a lot {oh man, that was awesome}
I was able to help her with grading {she’s a 3rd grade teacher}

And now I am home. It was so fun. It was nice to be with my friend again.CIMG3877CIMG3879CIMG3871CIMG3878

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Friday!

My sister took this picture of me a few months ago. I was pretending to be her.

10 things that made me smile this week!

1. Waking up and realizing I didn’t have school or homework this week!
2. Talking to my dad. He is so silly, but I love him to pieces.
3. Getting a call from my friend telling me she is coming home this week :D
4. Seeing said friend tomorrow! {It hasn’t happened yet, but thinking about it makes me smile}
5.Weddings. I love weddings, and today my cousin and his lovely bride got married, and it was beautiful!
6. Christmas shopping!
7. Folding laundry. It’s kind of weird, but it’s very therapeutic for me. I love the warmness of the clothes, and how they smell soooo good!
8. Babysitting. Oh my word, I had to opportunity to watch a little boy yesterday, and he was the BOMB.COM! I loved that kid. He is HILARIOUS!
9. Snuggly cats. Always. :D
10. The fountain in front of the house when it gets super cold… because it freezes over. best.thing.ever. It’s so beautiful.

Have a great weekend! I am going to be gone all weekend visiting my bestie in Sequim! It’s going to be so fun! I will see you on Tuesday night!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Best Friends

hubs and I after driving from WA to UT all night long. We.Are.Beautiful.

Josh ditched his friends for half of the night last night to take me on a date. It was magical. We went to Wendy’s. And then we walked around the mall. Then I got a headache, and he took me home. {I feel a lot better now} he is truly a man after my own heart. We don’t have to do anything spectacular on a date… just as long as we are together. He is my love, and I love him dearly.
It’s going to kill me to be away from him for 2.5 days. {because I am seeing my other best friend this weekend!} But I will make it through because I will get to see him on Tuesday.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


I forgot to put this picture on my last post…

These cute little munchkins are from my sister-in-law’s family. {I think} The one in the tan sweater dress on the right that is looking at the other girls with a funny face… she is my niece. And I love her dearly. This picture of her makes me think of myself because I give that face in almost every single picture I have of myself. :D I love family.


I FINALLY got to talk to my bestie today. It’s been… almost one whole month! {tomorrow will be her one month wedding anniversary… :o)}
Guess what?! I am going to her house next weekend. Saturday night through Tuesday. I am going to leave Saturday with them, and then on Tuesday Josh is coming out to Sequim and we are going to play and play and play. And I am SO SO SOOOO excited!

Liz is going to take me all around Sequim. And I am going to bring my camera. I am going to see her classroom and help her re-organize it! I am just super excited.

Today was a great day. :D

Friday, December 9, 2011

Happy Friday!

right before we walked down the aisle. I have Kenny’s ring on my thumb.

What a week. I am pooped. I am so glad that this week is OVER! :D

10 things that have made me smile this week

1. Finishing my finals.
2. Buying Christmas presents on amazon and getting an awesome deal!
3. The cold and frosty December air
4. Finding all of our missing socks!
5. Attempting to go running with my sister
6. Finding this picture. Made my life.
7. Josh turning up the radio to listen to this song and this song
8. Snuggles
9. My kitties. So good to me.
10. Josh getting his promotion.

Have a good weekend! I am going to have a girls night with my sisters-in-law. I am really excited. :D We are going to watch “The Help.” I love Emma Stone so much. She is so super cute. I am excited to see this movie.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Are sweet. And wonderful. And I would be lost without them.
So… this picture is HILARIOUS to me.
incase you can’t tell… Lizzy’s Grandpa is saying a prayer. Everybody has their eyes close, and their heads bowed. Except for me. It looks like I am silently laughing to myself… with my eyes wide open. And what am I looking at?! I just have no idea.

Pretty sure I rocked my math final. English final tomorrow and then I have a vacation! I am still searching for a job. I will find one, though. I know it.

See you tomorrow!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Every time…

Whenever I see this, I just die because I think it is HILARIOUS!
Seriously, I cried when I saw it last night. I have looked at it probably 1000 times since last night, too. It makes me so happy inside. Thank you Pinterest! You make my world go ‘round! :D

It has been a tough couple of days. I have been so stressed about about school. About life. About family. About Church callings. About marriage. About babies. About everything.
But, I am so, so, so glad that I have a husband that is super patient with me. He has been so nice, and so loving when I am laying on the bed crying because I do not know what else to do.
I am also so grateful that I have a really good sister-in-law that I can talk to about how I am feeling about things. She is so great. I am sad to see her leaving in January, but also really proud because she is going to school! And moving out on her own! Such a big girl. :o)
I am feeling a little bit better, though. Today was the last day of classes. I have a break tomorrow {which will be spent on the couch watching Pirates #4 eating Reese's and Twizzlers with my hubby} but the last half of the night will be spent studying for my finals on Thursday and Friday. I am so nervous.

We are still putting off having a baby. I don’t even think that we have talked about it at all for the past month. Things have just been too crazy. But we will get back to it {hopefully} when the holidays are over. I am looking forward to trying again. It just feels good to take a step back for a little bit and not have something else to stress over.

ANYWAYS have a good night!


I really need to think of more hobbies. I want to re-learn crocheting.

But in the mean time… my sister-in-law, Tanee {she is so stinkin cute!} has been crocheting and made this super cute scarfs.
If you could go here and look and possibly buy one, that would be bomb. Then leave me a comment and tell me what you think about her scarfs! :D

TODAY IS MY LAST DAY OF CLASSES! Finals on Thursday and Friday! Woot!

Monday, December 5, 2011


is it totally ridiculous that I love this song right now?

yes yes, I have Bieber Fever.


lara and josh at liz wedding
Taken at Lizzy’s wedding in November. I love how I am looking at Josh. <3

It’s Monday.
Friday is the last day of school for this quarter.
I will have one whole month off from school.
I need to find a job. Stat.
Josh starts his new “job” at Kohl’s today.
We are excited.
I have NO MORE HOMEWORK {sorta… I mean, my English hw is done}
I actually only have two days of classes left. :D

see you later!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Still here!

I am still alive. I am just crazy busy with school, trying to finish my paper{s} and study for finals next week. I really can’t believe that the quarter is almost over. Only 14 more to go. :D {I am planning on doing a lot of school over the summer too}

I am going to try and post my smiles tomorrow!

Monday, November 28, 2011

How was your weekend?

Ours was FANTASTIC! We got good news.
Josh got his PROMOTION! We are so excited. He starts next week. Now he will be, as Josh puts it, “The boss of ALL the shoes.” we couldn’t be more excited. it includes a raise, and more hours. hooray! just in time for the holidays! Oh how I love Kohl's!

Also, the quarter is almost finished. Next week is our last week of school!!!! Finals for me are on Thursday and Friday! HOLY TOLEDO! I really just can’t believe it. The past three months have flown by. But I am excited because that means I get a whole month off from school before I have to start my really hard classes… :o)

Have a great day! It’s beautiful here: Blue sky, crisp autumn air, naked trees. I love it. :D

Friday, November 25, 2011

Black Friday, and a Call

My mom drove all the way out to Puyallup from Gig Harbor just to do some Black Friday shopping with me this morning. It was a lot of fun. We only went to Kohl’s because we were so tired. Like, exhausted tired. It was amazing how many people were actually awake and there. I got Josh new pajamas {it’s a tradition to get new jammies every Christmas Eve and sleep in them that night! So fun.} I also got myself some new leggings, and something special for Josh’s siblings. :o)
Josh had to work all night and so I was all alone without anybody to talk to or snuggle with, but it was okay. He slept all day today so I spent most of my time upstairs reading the Hunger Games {again. finished book two in one day.} played Just Dance 3 with the kiddos, and ate. a lot.

Something exciting happened today.
It came from here:
to my 19 year-old brother-in-law.
It was very exciting.
He will be reporting to the Brazil MTC the middle of April.
We figured he was going there because EVERYBODY is going to Brazil right now. There is so much missionary work happening in Brazil at this moment and it is super exciting, and even more exciting because John will be right in the middle of it.

Congratulations, John. You are going to be such an AMAZING missionary! I love you!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I thought that instead of doing the ten things that make me happy like I usually do on Fridays, I would do the ten things that I am thankful for! :o)

But while you are reading them, listen to this please. Because I am mildly obsessed with it. :D

10 Things that I am Thankful For

1. My wonderful husband who works so hard to provide for me
2. My family, and Josh’s family who help the both of us so much.
3. The Gospel.
4. My oh, so snuggly cats! They are seriously the best friends ever.
5. Friendships. I am so grateful for the friends that I have and for the times that we have all shared together.
6. The opportunity to go back to school.
7. Food. All the time.
8. A warm place to live and call my home, and clothes on my back.
9. Books. Oh my word how I LOVE books! They are so great.
10. My health!

There are so many more things that I am thankful for in my life, these are just a few. My mom and I are planning on doing Black Friday tonight. I am a little nervous, I won’t lie. I have never done that before. I think that it’s going to be fun, though. :o)

I hope that everybody had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and that they have a GREAT holiday season!!!! Only one more month until Christmas! :D

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The joy of the holidays

I love the holiday season. I love the crispiness in the air. And the Christmas music {that I will start playing the day after tomorrow!} I love that I am able to spend time with my family this holiday season, and that there will also be a wedding in the family just a few days before Christmas! {Christmas weddings are the best}

I love this time of year because… it’s when Josh and I decided that dating was probably the best idea the two of us could come up with at the time.
And look what happened… :o) 5 years of togetherness and still going strong. :D
{we celebrated our 5 year anniversary on the 14th of this month. woot! But we have only been married for 3 of those years haha}

This is a usual picture of the two of us, and this was taken 3 years ago… after we got married we were driving up to Whistler for our honeymoon! So fun.

Anyways! I am excited for tomorrow, it’s going to be so fun! :D Who doesn’t love stuffing themselves silly with food? At least it’s only once{ish} a year that we eat like this, right?!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mission Statement

For one of my classes we had to write a personal mission statement. I didn’t know what to write, and the assignment is due tomorrow, but I think I came up with a pretty good one.
My mission is to treat others the way that I would want to be treated. I am devoted to living my life according to the way Jesus taught during his mortal ministry. I am going to show others what I value by the way I interact with others. I am never going to give up, and I will keep going through life’s challenges with a smile on my face.

AND! in my english class we were assigned a group essay and my group worked really hard on it… and guess what… we got a 96!!!!!!!!! SWEET!!! I am so, so, so excited! :D It really was the best Monday ever. woot!


Today is Monday. It marks the beginning of the holidays… officially! Thursday is Thanksgiving! {what are you doing?!} We are going to my parents house for this holiday. I am super excited. Then Josh will be working an overnight at Kohl’s because they open at midnight. Super exciting!

Yesterday {Sunday} was a really amazing day. I had so much fun in my calling… which is working in the nursery. I was feeling sad about Josh and I trying to figure everything out with getting pregnant, and all the babies in the whole congregation were crying and being really loud and it made me even more sad. Like, really ridiculously sad. And I told Josh that I felt that I was never going to have a baby, and that we were just going to be that couple at Church that never had a child and never adopted. Needless to say, I was super bummed yesterday.
So, Josh said a prayer to himself {and while he was praying I looked at him and I was like “are you sleeping? you should wake up, you always fall asleep at Church” and when he didn’t answer I said “oh… are you praying…???” and he silently nodded at me and squeezed my arm haha} and after that I calmed down a little bit.
During nursery I was, again, feeling a little bummed because I wanted to have a little monkey running around the nursery because they are so cute! And hilarious. And then something happened. I started to get all warm and fuzzy. And then a little boy came over {he’s one of my favorite kids to play with}, and he looks at me while putting his tiny hand on my face and said something super cute that I can’t even remember. Then he smiled and in that instant my heart was burning and I knew without a doubt that sometime in the near{ish} future that would be my son. or my daughter. and it will be glorious. and I am so excited.
And then I wondered, is this what Josh prayed about? That I would feel this way today? That I wouldn’t be so sad? I have no idea, because he never told me. But if it was, his prayer was definitely answered.

Also, please read this. I cry almost every time I read it because I know that it is so true. Plus, I love this man so much. he is so cute and SNUGGLY!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


I have had a great day with Josh. We talked about Christmas. And our future babies and home. And we went window shopping and real shopping. We paid bills {that’s not so fantastic, but… hey at least we were together…? haha}
It didn’t snow. the weather lied to me. how RUDE!

I am totally obsessed with this song right now. Thank you sister Chelsey.


Also, watch this. AMAZING!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Happy Friday!

10 Things that have made me smile this week

1. Helping my sister with her application for school
2. The weather report. It’s telling me snow this weekend. :D
3. Heaters
4. Getting accidentally called by my brother… well actually my 2 year old nephew.
5. Spending some quality time with my brother-in-law who will shortly be leaving for his mission.
6. Josh getting lots of hours at work
7. Umbrellas
8. My calling at Church {I get to work in the NURSERY! best calling ever!}
9. Skittles
10. The retirement episode of Regis and Kelly. I LOVE Regis Philbin with a fiery passion. He is so cute and snuggly. And seeing this episode made me happy.

It’s been a crazy week! I was lucky enough to work on a group essay! Yay me! And I was also able to become horribly addicted to another Facebook game… Castleville. Ugh.

Have a fantastical weekend! Josh actually has tomorrow off!! We are going to hang out, clean our room and… MAYBE go and get some pizza for lunch. Maybe.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

let it rain

let it rain… let it rain! :o) I wish that it would snow, though. Oh how dearly I heart the snow.

Last night, I fell going up the stairs in our house. It was BEAUTIFUL I tell ya. I missed the step completely and fell on both my knees, my right elbow… and my left lady. {how that happened, I have NO idea… it was weird} but yeah. I was a sight to behold all sprawled out at a really funny angle, but I have amazing bruises, so it was worth it. or something. :o)

I am so ready for the week to be over. I am excited to start my final essay for my english class. I am excited to get some awesome math homework done! I am excited… to write another paper for my college success class. yeah. it’s going to be a fun weekend… I can tell. :D

I had to steal this picture from sister. She left it on my computer and I think it’s beautiful.
She took this picture… er… I think when she was in Provo recently. I THINK, but I am not positive.
She is amazing at photographing things.

See you tomorrow with my oh so happy list of happiness! :D

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The weather outside…

is frightful, but not that frightful. we are supposed to be having a really intense wind storm in our neck of the woods starting tomorrow through friday. I wont lie, I am actually looking forward to it because I love wind storms. we had one here once that was so intense power was knocked out for days. like a whole two weeks or something ridiculous. I actually had to go to my sisters, who actually lived right down the street and had power, just to take a shower! ridiculous.

school is good. life is good. I know I sounded like such a downer with one of my last posts. I don’t know what’s wrong with me sometimes. I just get into a funk some days, and then I decide to blog about it.

on a happy note, though… I am all registered for classes for next quarter. woot! english 101, math 98, and geology 101 here I come! :D

Um, has anybody seen the show new girl? it’s seriously one of mine and josh’s favorites right now. it’s funny that josh even likes that show because it is so awkward sometimes and he doesn’t like awkward things. he can’t even watch the office, that silly boy.

we are still trying to er … not have a baby right now. maybe once the holidays are over and things calm down, and josh starts his new position {which I can’t say out loud, but I will once its official}, and his insurance kicks in --- which wont be until january! ugh!--- then we are going to start trying again. sometimes weird things happen and we just have to take a step back and look at things logically. and logically, right now, I would probably cry if I got pregnant – and not because I am excited about it. I mean, of COURSE I would be excited, but at the same time there are so many other things that need my attention first. And just because I said that, God is going to play a joke on me and I am going to get pregnant… right when I don’t want to. Ha! He’s funny like that sometimes, especially to me.

Anyhoo… I am going to make sure I didn’t have any homework due tomorrow! Have a good night!

Wednesday already?!

It’s way later than I thought it was. WAY passed my bed time. But I realized that it’s been a pretty long time since I have blogged. But I was working on homework for er… like 7 hours on monday night, and then on tuesday {which was 30 minutes ago} I was spaced out and playing Call of Duty {yeah, I heart that game}.
Had a math test Tuesday. Meet with my advisor in 11 hours so I can register for classes next quarter.

Also, husband was told {unofficially} he got a promotion at work.
Sweet! :D
But keep it quiet, he isn’t supposed to know yet.

Have good evening! … or morning!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Goin’ to the Chapel…

And Lizzy got MARRIED!!! 11.12.11
here are some pictures!


It was a beautiful ceremony!!! I cried a lot. And there will be a lot more pictures to come. I am so glad to have been part of this wedding, and to be there to share the joy with my best friend and her new HUSBAND!! :D
CONGRATULATIONS LIZZY AND KENNY!! I love you both so much!

Also, thank you to Scott Turner from Scott Turner Photography. He was amazing.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I was re-reading one of my blog posts… the one titled “babies” and I realized that I said this:
“When he wasn’t waking up I started to freak out, and I threw up onto his back and he hit his head again on the cement floor. He woke up. I cried a lot.”
When actually, I didn’t throw up at all. I really wasn’t paying attention to what I was typing and that looks really funny.
I didn’t throw up. Ha! What happened was, I threw him onto his back and in the process he hit his head again on the cement floor.

I just can’t stop laughing. I can’t believe I typed that.

Anyways, have a good weekend!

Happy Friday!

10 things that have been making me smile this week

1. Having an A in two classes, and a high B in another class!
2. Going to Gig Harbor tonight and staying there all day tomorrow
3. My best friends wedding {tomorrow}
4. Josh --- always
5. Getting my nails done :D
6. How frigidly cold it is here. That means it will probably snow this year!
7. Scriptures
8. Finding the answer to some questions through weird things
9. Going to a million different stores just to buy Josh’s siblings a video game toy
10. Sister Chelsey figuring out what she wants to do when she grows up. Amazing.

Today is a busy, busy day! But it’s going to be so fun. We have rehearsal at the Church where Liz is getting married tonight, then we are going to a big dinner at Spiro’s Pizza in Gig Harbor. Then it’s a slumber party at Lizzy’s house, and then TOMORROW HER AND KENNY ARE GETTING MARRIED! I am so excited for them. I am going to be crying a lot. I am so emotional. haha

Have a good weekend! :o) I will post pictures {hopefully, if I remember my camera} soon of the wedding and all that wonderful stuff.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


So, I’ve been thinking. About my blog. About life. About… a lot of things. I’ve been thinking about how I really don’t like living here. I despise this town. I don’t know why, but it might be because I know that sometime in the near-ish future, Josh and I will be leaving {that day can’t come soon enough} and hopefully it’s back to my home town… which is like 30 minutes away from here. haha really, they aren’t that far away from each other, but they are SO DIFFERENT! It’s weird.
Anyways, the title of this post is “Babies”, and I have been thinking about that. Josh and I have been having a hard time. A really hard time. I don’t blog about it because I don’t want people to think that I am really whiny {is that spelt right?} But I feel like we are stuck in a hole that we can’t dig ourselves out of. It’s so ridiculous. We are desperate to have a baby. It’s unbelievable how it consumes our every day thoughts, and pretty much everything that we talk about. Well, it’s mostly me, but Josh listens really well and nods his head a lot.
Let me give you a teeny tiny background story {I briefly mentioned this here}:
Once upon a time there was a missionary named Josh Larsen. He was walking on the streets of Scranton, PA after a blizzard with his mission companion and slipped on the ice and hit his head. Josh became disoriented and tried to tell his companion what had happened, but instead walked into the road. Unfortunately, there was a car going way too fast for the conditions and hit the missionary. Josh was hit in the knees and went face first into the windshield, then the car stopped really fast and Josh flew out of the car a very far distance {that I can’t remember} and landed head first on the road. Thankfully Josh’s mission companion had the right frame of mind to give him a blessing and then immediately got Josh the help he needed.
Because of that incident, Josh has bad health. All the bones in his face were pretty much broken and as a result his sinus cavities were damaged. He gets sinus infections like every other week and if they aren’t treated right away then it turns into bronchitis, and then he gets pneumonia. It’s really sad.
Because of all of this lovely-ness {now I am getting back to the point} we have been having a hard time. And because Josh changed jobs and didn’t have insurance for a really long time he hasn’t been able to get the help that he needs to take care of his sinus infections and he has been really sick. So sick that he has lost like 30-40 pounds. He is 6’4 and weights 159lbs. It’s not natural, and quite frankly he looks really scary. Josh collapsed a few weeks ago, just passed right out on the cement floor of the basement. Of course, silly me, I thought he was pretending when I walked into my room with my sister-in-law to grab something and poked and sort of kicked Josh with my foot. When he wasn’t waking up I started to freak out, and I threw up onto his back and he hit his head again on the cement floor. He woke up. I cried a lot. And he called out to work for a few days because he was so sick.
Now, I think that it is time for me to get the whole POINT of this post.
Josh and I are taking a break from baby making. We will… ya know… *wink wink* but not to have a baby. Josh needs to get better, and his insurance needs to kick in and then we can get back on track.
It’s been a weird few weeks, and I feel really ridiculous about all of this. I don’t know what my Heavenly Fathers plans are for me, or for Josh and I as a couple anymore. I feel lost and confused and it’s a little frustrating. But I know that things will work out the way that they are supposed to, and that I should just be patient. I am soooo not patient, though. It’s really not one of my strong points. :o)

Anyways. That is my life story right now! Sorry it’s so super long!

Have a good night! :D

Oh my word

All star cast.
Maggie Smith {Professor McGonagall – Harry Potter, Lady Gresham – Becoming Jane}
Judi Dench {Mrs. Fairfax -- Jane Eyre, Lady Catherine de Bourg – Pride and Prejudice}
Bill Nighy {Victor Maynard – Wild Target, Davy Jones – Pirates of the Caribbean}
Tom Wilkinson {Mr. Dashwood – Sense and Sensibility}
Dev Patel {Jamal – Slumdog Millionaire} ------------ a really good movie!

I like cried when I watched the trailer. Seriously.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

20 Kids and Counting?

Hi. My name is Lara. I am addicted to 19 Kids and Counting. OH MY GOSH I LOVE THE DUGGARS SO, SO MUCH! And, I cried a little when I heard that there will be a 20th baby added to the brood. It’s exciting. And, also a little scary.
Obviously, I know nothing about having babies but I am a little worried about
Mrs. Mom Duggar, and her health, and having another baby when she could have died with her last baby who was born a preemie just to keep her alive.
Anyways, I do love that family, though. I feel like they live the principles of the Gospel {I know, they aren’t members of my Church, but they are fantastic people}, and one day I want to be their friend and hang out in their crazy loud home and play with all their super cute babies.
That makes me sound weird, but whatever.

SPEAKING of having a baby… I want to say Congrats to my friend Kennedy who is expecting her 4th baby!!!!!!!! you can read her blog here. And, she is also an amazing photographer! go here! She is amazing. I have only had the opportunity to meet her one time when husband and I went to Vegas to visit one of his old Mission Companions, but it was so fun, and she is one of the nicest ladies I know.

Holy cow, I am so sorry for posting so super late. I was watching a movie with sisters {a wildly inappropriate one, I might add. Yeah, didn’t think that it would be THAT bad haha}
I am going to bed now.

OH! Yeah, watch Cars 2 if you haven’t already. It was actually SUPER cute, and my husband even enjoyed it. :o)

Nighty night!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Time Change

I am so happy right now. Josh’s best friend was here this weekend and they had a great time together. Something exciting might be happening at Josh’s work. I am wearing a new shirt thanks to Josh’s sister. And, I am watching Grey’s Anatomy. There was something else I was happy about, but I totally forgot it.

Has the time change kicked anybody else’s butt this weekend?! I wanted to pass out yesterday because I was so tired. And today I felt like I was running late all day, but I was on time. Even now I feel like it’s almost dinner time, but I know that dinner is like two hours away! Oh my goodness.

OH YEAH! Has anybody watched the new show Once Upon A Time? Holy cow, I love it so much!
The picture is a little blurry, but it’s actually really, really good. I love it, and I have only seen three episodes. Totally hooked!

Have a good evening!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yes, I live here


This picture was taken from Tumwater, which is sorta close to where I live. This is a picture of Mt. Rainier casting a shadow on the underside of some clouds. It’s pretty beautiful. I love Washington when I see pictures like this. :o)

I found this picture on MSN “the week in pictures”

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Friday!

10 Things That Have Been Making Me Smile This Week

1. Another A.
2. The cold weather. It’s almost time for snow! {hopefully}
3. Josh’s best friend coming to visit.
4. Going RUNING!
5. Ruby Gloom
6. My brother-in-law deciding to serve a mission
7. Knowing there is a 3-day weekend next week
8. Cinnamon Rolls
9. SNL – oh my word, it makes me laugh so hard
10. Setting Josh’s best friend up on a blind date.

Have a good weekend, everybody!!!!!! Be safe!

{p.s. for some odd reason last night this post wouldn’t upload to blogger. it was totally lame. thus you are getting it on Saturday very late in the afternoon. So sorry!}

Thursday, November 3, 2011

winding down

Now that Halloween is over, I am feeling a little blue. It was so exciting getting all dressed up and being in a fun costume and having a fun time with my in-laws.
Now, I have to unwind from the excitement of last weekend {I know, it’s already THURSDAY! and this weekend starts TOMORROW!} and prepare for this weekend, which will also be exciting. Josh’s best friend, Kris, is coming to play with us all the way from Portland {remember, I really want to go there and play sometime soon!} and we are both excited to see him.

Today, though, I am feeling REALLY sad. Like, ridiculously sad. I am really missing my mom and dad, and I want to go out and see them really, really badly. I don’t know why. This doesn’t happen to me very often. I like to think of myself as independent {for the most part}, but today I just really miss them. I really just miss my family. And Gig Harbor. And I kind of don’t want to live in P-town anymore. I know that I shouldn’t be complaining because Josh’s family is so kind and letting us live here to save money and stuff, but I REALLY miss my home.
I think I just need to cry it out.
Eat some starburst, watch a girly movie, cry a lot, and then go to bed.

I do know that I have a lot to be thankful for. So much. And tomorrow I will have yet another post of things that have been making me smile this week.
I am really happy with life in general, school is going fantastically great, and my husband is pretty amazing.

Have a great night!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oh, Wednesday

I don’t know what it is about Wednesdays, but I almost always forget to blog. I don’t know why. It’s totally weird.

I went shopping today, sorta. I bought something for my besties wedding. And then I did some window shopping at Charming Charlie's. I have never even heard of it until Halloween when we walked past it at the mall. It is super cute. Adorable. I loved it in there.

Only 10 more days until best friend gets married. I am so excited for her. I am so excited to wear my bridesmaid dress! I got it back from being altered. It’s really amazing! :D

It’s a blustery, windy, rainy evening over here. I really wasn’t expecting rain because it was so beautiful all day. Oh well.

Have a good night!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween! (# 2)

We had so much fun trick-or-treating last night!
It was crazy scary fun last night. The kiddos made out like bandits on the candy. I don’t even think that the pictures do it justice. It looks like there isn’t a lot there, but really they have a lot. Like, a TON!!

Just a few side notes:
#1. Happy birthday to my dad! He turned the big six three today! I love my dad, he is the bomb.com and I am glad that he is alive!
#2. Um, this might be weird, but I wanted to say Congratulations to Sydney from
The Daybook. She had her baby on Sunday, and I am really excited for her! {I don’t know her at all, never met her in my life, but I LOVE her blog so much, and I am just so happy for her!}

Have a good night!