Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The new year is coming!

How was everybody’s Christmas?! I hope that it was as fantastical as mine was. I was able to spend time with a lot of family, and it was just a blast. We had so much fun.
Our day started off at 4 in the morning because Josh’s dad needed to leave for work at around 5:30. The kids were so excited! They got a Wii from Santa this year! The look on Breezy’s face was hilarious. She just kept blinking her eyes, and had this look of confusion on her face… and then she started giggling.
My mom also bought my sister and her three kids a Wii this year. My oldest Niece was allowed to open the present, and as she was opening it she was like “what is this?!” and then as it was all the way unwrapped she goes “Oh… Grammy got us a WII!” And my sister also had a look of confusion on her face… Which was quite hilarious.
I love watching people open presents. It is the best, because I love faces of excitement and happiness. :o)

So, a little over a month ago I posted this. And now that the holidays are over, Josh and I are going to start trying again. We will start in January… {it’s really perfect timing because it’s that… er… time right now and it will be over in January. Amazing!}
Josh gets new insurance because of his promotion and we are going to get that squared away tomorrow! Things are starting to fall into place, and I am super excited.

I go to this website: The Bump. It’s pretty perfect, actually because it has a lot of information about trying to conceive and advice on what you should do, what you shouldn’t do, and all sorts of other really helpful information. It also has a lot of information for ladies who are expecting. I really love this website. Another thing that I love about it, is that it allows you to sign up for emails with articles about trying to conceive or what your baby looks like during that week if you are expecting. I get emails a couple times a week I feel like with information that is specific to what I am looking for, and I absolutely love it.
Just today I got this article which offers advice for things to do to help you be better prepared for conceiving.
Josh and I are pretty excited to get the ball rolling. Things are starting to look up, and it’s going to be fantastic.

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