Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Friday!

My sister took this picture of me a few months ago. I was pretending to be her.

10 things that made me smile this week!

1. Waking up and realizing I didn’t have school or homework this week!
2. Talking to my dad. He is so silly, but I love him to pieces.
3. Getting a call from my friend telling me she is coming home this week :D
4. Seeing said friend tomorrow! {It hasn’t happened yet, but thinking about it makes me smile}
5.Weddings. I love weddings, and today my cousin and his lovely bride got married, and it was beautiful!
6. Christmas shopping!
7. Folding laundry. It’s kind of weird, but it’s very therapeutic for me. I love the warmness of the clothes, and how they smell soooo good!
8. Babysitting. Oh my word, I had to opportunity to watch a little boy yesterday, and he was the BOMB.COM! I loved that kid. He is HILARIOUS!
9. Snuggly cats. Always. :D
10. The fountain in front of the house when it gets super cold… because it freezes over. best.thing.ever. It’s so beautiful.

Have a great weekend! I am going to be gone all weekend visiting my bestie in Sequim! It’s going to be so fun! I will see you on Tuesday night!

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