Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Friday!!!!!!!

10 things that have made me smile this week

1. Going to Sequim to visit Liz and her hubby
2. Super Mario Brothers Wii
3. Cleaning my room {weird that I listed that, but it was very satisfying}
4. Having a pizza date with my husband
5. Seeing Josh’s siblings be SO EXCITED that Christmas is so soon
6. Last minute Christmas shopping
7. Reading my Scriptures. Amazing.
8. Spending a whole day with my friend who is home from Rexburg, Idaho
9. Getting an e-mail from my math teacher --- I got 95% on my final exam! woohoo!
10. Relaxing with my love, watching movies we rented from Redbox. So bomb.

Last night Josh and I attempted to watch our Church’s Christmas Devotional, but for some strange reason it wouldn’t load. I think that it’s because of our internet that is terrible right now. I think it’s the weather, honestly. But anyways, we are going to try again. If you want to watch it please click on this colorful link and watch it. I am sure that it is simply amazing.

Christmas is now upon us with only TWO MORE DAYS!!! It is going to be great.
This is an awesome time to reflect on the birth of our Savior, and his mission. I am so thankful for the Savior and for his sacrifice, and I so grateful to a loving God, our Father in Heaven, who was so willing to send his only begotten to live and to die for us.


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