Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So, today was shaping up to be a pretty great day. I didn’t feel overly tired this morning. I got to read scriptures with husband. I found a family doctor that I think Josh will feel comfortable with. We will start making appointments next week {IT’S HAPPENING! IT’S ALL STARTING TO HAPPEN!} I got to class and completely understood what my next English paper is going to be about. I mostly understood my Geology class, too!
Then I came home and started doing math homework. O.M.G. I almost started to cry because I thought I understood it, but I really didn’t. It was a lie. Some stuff I did understand, but… not all of it, which is a little disappointing. Usually I am pretty great at math. Then I had to go to my math class. I almost just walked out, but I love my math teacher to death and I couldn’t do that to him. So I sat and suffered through my class. Thank goodness he didn’t call on me because I would have cried. For sure. Or peed my pants. One of the two, seriously. It was that bad in class.
I hope I can pass this class, because I don’t want to have to take it again. Ugh!

On a better note… Josh and I went out on a date yesterday. We went to Applebee’s and then to WalMart {so romantic, I know}, and then to Kohl’s where I got some new shoes for walking, and Josh got some new jeans for wearing. But not just any jeans. Skinny jeans. And holy canola oil, he is so SKINNY! I have a picture :D. I think he looks attractive, but I always think that.

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Have a good night!!!! :D I will see you tomorrow. I love Thursdays!

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