Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I’m not the only one!

Okay, I know that this blog is supposed to be about my struggles of getting pregnant, and other things. I focus a lot on the other things because, who wants to read about me being so depressed because I can’t have a baby… I don’t want to cry about it all the days. Even though I do to Josh, haha

I was recently talking to my best friend in Rexburg, and she was telling me about a girl that she is friends with that has been having the same problems as me! She is having a hard time getting pregnant as well. My friend also told me that this girl sometimes feel like people are judging her because she does not have a baby. Girl, I know all about that.
It is so hard being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when you can’t have children, or when you know that it’s going to be a while before you are blessed with children because the Church focuses so much on families. I have encountered many members that kind of… act like I am not having children on purpose, and that hurts. I feel like I have to explain my situation to them, that it’s not because I am NOT trying to have a baby, it’s just taking a while. There have actually been some instances when I do tell somebody that and they respond with, “Oh, well I got pregnant the first time I tried, so it should happen soon for you.”
When women say that to me, I am unsure if they just don’t know what to say, or if they are actually stupid and ignorant about baby making. It’s not an exact science, and I can try and try and try and still not get pregnant. [We have been trying for two years {off and on} and nothing has happened yet.**] It makes me want to punch them in the face. I don’t of course, because that’s rude, but seriously, if you are going to say that… don’t say anything at all.
I am not saying anything bad about the Church. I love the Church. I have a firm Testimony that the Church is true, and I know that without a shadow of a doubt. The Church is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life, and I am so lucky to be a member of this wonderful Church! {if you want to know more about the LDS Church, you should probably click here}

For me… it’s important to keep a nice, sunny outlook on life, though. I have been trying to do that and I feel like things are starting to look up. Josh and I know that we are doing the things that we need to right now. We have been feeling like we are right on  the edge of something really exciting happening to us, and we know that we are doing the right thing about moving down to Provo. Things are happening, and it’s slowly, but surely, coming together.
This video always makes me feel a little bit better. Plus, I just love President Uchtdorf.


**Actually, when I say that nothing has happened yet, it’s a tiny lie. Something happened a few months ago, but then I miscarried. It was frightening and painful, but it happened {at least I was pregnant for a while}, and Josh and I are okay and moving past it and looking forward to a bright future with {hopefully} a lot of babies.

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