Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy late night Saturday!

Merry Saturday night! I hope that everybody’s weekend has been fantastical? Mine was. I spent all day procrastinating my math and English homework. I am really going to have to study/work hard tomorrow. I have a math test and an English paper due on Monday. Yay me! I have been a really bad procrastinator this quarter. It needs to end! I just can’t help it, though.

Anyways, would you like to know what made me smile this week?

10 things that made me smile this week

1. The new song by Taylor Swift “Ours” {I have the video posted below}
2. I got a new out fit for church!!! {Chels, you would love it!}
3. Pizza on Thursday. Wendy’s today. And I wonder why I am having a harder time fitting into my pants… haha
4. Skyping with my best friend that lives in Rexburg, Idaho
5. Having a SUPER long conversation with a really good friend that lives in Provo
6. Getting a new calling at church! You’re lookin’ at the new CTR 6 class teacher!
7. Being told that my 6 year old sister is in my class! WOOT!
8. Cookies
9. Babysitting my friends 2-month old. She is so precious. It drives me crazy.
10. Josh. He has been so snuggly lately. It’s really, really nice.

There was a super sale at Kohl’s this weekend. A clearance sale. I got a new skirt, and a new sweater thingy. They are LC, and were originally 60 dollars… and I got them for like 10 each. IT WAS SO FANTASTIC! I love sales. I LOVE THEMM!!! And, I love Kohl’s. So much. I am really glad that Josh is working there. It’s the best place ever.

Anyways, have a good rest of your weekend! I am going to try and find something spiritual for Sunday’s post, but I can’t make any promises.
Oh yeah, watch this video. It’s so cute.

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