Tuesday, January 31, 2012

What to do?

My mom has been given the opportunity to advance her career. In Coeur D'Alene, Idaho. What will she be doing? She will be the main supervisor of the demo services at Costco Wholesale. Ya know those lovely ladies, and men, that serve you samples at Costco in order to make your time there more enjoyable? {I am sure that’s not the reason why they are giving you samples… they want you to buy the stuff, but it does make it more enjoyable… doesn’t it…?!} she is one of them now. She loves her job. She also loves her other job as a lunch lady at one of the elementary schools in Gig Harbor.
Somebody higher up in the company called my mom directly and told her that they wanted her to take this job. That if she applied it was pretty much hers. So she applied, and she had an interview on Friday. Then she had a phone interview today, and they told her that they are flying her out to Coeur D’Alene on Saturday and she will do a trial run on Sunday and they will go from there.
I am so excited for my mom because she will get a new start. A new life. Make new friends. Maybe join the Church, but I won’t go that far. :D

The problem is… she is married. To my dad, obviously. Maybe not obviously, but… ya know. She is married. My parents have been married for 25 years, unfortunately the last few years of their marriage have been really, really hard. My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 15 {I am 23… just so you have a time frame… that was a long time ago!}, I am so grateful that she is a cancer survivor. She is also battling the disease of alcoholism… and she is doing so great! She has been sober for about 7 or 8 years. The last 5 of those years, pretty much after I graduated from high school my parents have had a falling out. Sometimes I blame myself because I feel like I was the reason they were staying together in the first place. But I know that I can’t do that to myself. And besides, this isn’t about me… it’s my parents.
Now that my mom is going to Idaho, my dad won’t go. He feels like she is abandoning him, and running away. That she hates him. She doesn’t, I know that… but my mom is living with an alcoholic that drinks way too much. I LOVE my dad so fiercely it’s a little ridiculous. I don’t know what it is about my dad but I just… I feel like I chose him to be my father or something, and that I am here to just love him until he dies… and longer. I am a daddy’s girl through and through. I am having a hard time dealing with the fact that my parents are probably not going to survive this, and that they are going to be separated forever. Maybe not eternally, maybe things will change after they pass through the veil, but their time together in this life is more than likely over. I pray every night that it will remain in tact, that maybe they can salvage their relationship, but I feel like I am kidding myself. But I will keep praying for them.
I love my family. They are my life.

I am going to miss my mom so much when she is in Idaho. I will have my dad close by, though. I am going to visit him as much as I can. And I will visit my mom as much as I can as well.

Have a happy Tuesday! Sorry if this is a little depressing today.
here… listen to this song. I am mildly obsessed with it right now.
Actually, a lot obsessed.

I really love Gotye right now. I don’t know what it is about them, but they are so bomb.


  1. Um... I just love you by the way and I did not even know you had a blog. And I kind of want to call you but it's late. I want to call you soon though! Because, guess what? We haven't talked in forever. And I think you're amazing.

    1. LISA! I think that sounds like a lovely idea!!!!! How did you find me on here? I really just miss you. It's been far too long since we have chatted!
