Sunday, January 22, 2012

Happy Sunday!

10 things that made me smile LAST week

1. A three day weekend
2. Snow
3. More snow
4. Power outage {at first}
5. Spending quality time with my husband
6. Spending quality time with my husbands family
7. Reading my scriptures by candle light. So cool. Like the pioneers.
8. Playing flashlight tag!
9. Taking a drive to the mall… and getting to walk around under real lights!
10. The power coming back on… Thank goodness!

Last week was quite the week, if I do say so myself. I am glad that the power is back, and that the storms have passed… for now at least, the PNW is very unpredictable sometimes.

Have a great Sunday everybody!
Here is a nice spiritual message for everybody… you can also visit her blog here.
And please do, she is amazing.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for the video. I follow her blog and her story it never ceases to touch my soul. :o) I'm really glad you decided to keep this blog. I am on here a lot, though I don't always comment (I should comment more). :o)
