Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Oh, Tuesday!

Monday wasn’t really exciting. We didn’t do a lot. We just relaxed. Josh worked. I went to school, built a desk, did homework for three hours, and then went back to school for my night{ish} class. We watched The Voice {love that show}, and went to sleep. Nothing super exciting, really.

Today, Josh and I went on a date! We went to Qdoba for lunch {Josh got a shredded beef burrito, and I got a grilled chicken burrito}, and ran some errands. It was a pretty great date. Really low key. So fun. It’s nice to just get away and spend some quality time together.
I am now all registered for spring quarter classes! YAY! I am so excited.

The past three days have been pretty great because I have been able to Skype every day with Chelsey {best sister-in-law ever}. It’s been so nice to see her face, and to plan all the fun things that we are going to do when Josh and I move to Provo this summer.

I have been battling a cold all weekend … my voice went away on Saturday, and was barely audible on Sunday. I teach the CTR 6 class with my husband at Church, and it was SO hard to teach the lesson with my voice gone. Haha! Let me tell ya, Josh and I were quite the pair that day. He had all of his braces on {because he broke his finger, sprained his wrist, and did something weird to his elbow}, and I had no voice. It was amazing.

Anyways, I am watching my new “guilty pleasure” show. I can’t say what it is, for fear that my husbands family would find out, and then the teasing would never end.

Have a great night!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


my family is watching the Academy Awards right now. So this is going to be so quick.

This weekend was crazy eventful. I was able to babysit all day on Saturday for my favorite family. Josh fixed the brakes on the car {possibly broke his right hand, and his left index finger in the process… but… ya know, he is a great brake fixer}.
I said goodbye to my mom on Friday. She is in Idaho now, and I really miss her. That’s a whole other blog post, though. I spent some good quality time with my dad on Friday, too. I love him so much. It snowed a little today. That was pretty great, because I LOVE the snow. So much. I ALSO GOT TO SKYPE WITH CHELSEY TODAY! I miss her a lot. She is truly one of the best people that I know. And one of my best friends {and it’s great that she’s my sister-in-law, it means we can hang out for eternity!}

Today I am feeling so grateful for everything that I have. I love my life, and I love my husband. I love my family, even though my family is totally crazy and lopsided.

Today, I am also in love with this song:

{sorry, I don’t know how to add music to my blog… so I can only post videos haha}

Have a great rest of your Sunday!

Friday, February 24, 2012


I won’t lie and say that this week was the bomb.com.
Because really it wasn’t.
It was just one of those really blah weeks… that started with my paper not being finished {totally my fault} to my books being soaked by my water bottle opening up and unleashing it’s water powers all over my backpack {not my fault}. I am also sick, and super tired this week, there is a nasty cold/flu going around and I think I’ve caught it.

BUT you know what Friday is, don’t you?!
It’s not the day that I think about all the nasty bad things that have happened to me this week, I get to look back on all the snuggly things that have happened to me. So, here they are!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Spending quality time with my Dad
2. Getting an A- on my most recent English paper!
3. Receiving a letter stating that I was selected to be on the Dean’s List for Fall Quarter of 2011!!!
4. Josh stating a new rule for bed time “we MUST kiss each other and say ‘I love you’ EVERY NIGHT!”
5. Watching my friends baby for a little bit and seeing her so smiley and happy
6. Lolo {the 6 year old I babysit} telling me that Heavenly Father thinks it’s time for me to have a baby
7. Cole {the 3 year old I babysit} saying: “babysitter… can I brush your hair?”
8. Receiving an invitation to my dear friends wedding! So excited.
9. Watching Naruto with my love. Soo good to me.
10. Getting a new desk to study at. Now I don’t have to study in my bed! Woohoo!

Have a GREAT weekend, everybody! It’s going to be so fantastical. I can feel it.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I am so proud

I figured out how to re-do the look of my blog. It was so fun. It only took me 2 hours to do it, too! Now I need to finish my English paper. Ha!

Have a great night!


After about one full week of non-stop rain, the sun is FINALLY out.
So today it looks like this:
Instead of this:

It’s really cold, but that’s okay. It is also really, really windy outside, but that’s okay. I am really enjoying the sunshine.

I should be working on my English paper. Why would I want to do that, though? Actually, I have been for the past two hours, but now I am distracted. I think I need to take a short break until … later. I only have a few more tweaks! It’s just really hard to focus on one thing for so long. Sometimes I think I have ADD. I didn’t used to have attention problems haha

It’s also been a T Swift day. Some days I just really, really love her. Ha! :D

Happy Wednesday!

{Plus, I am searching for places to live in Provo. I am so excited to move.}

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Heck yes!




{p.s. Congratulations, Kennedy! She is having a baby boy! Her first one ever. 4th time is a charm, right?! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!}

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Goin’ To The Temple!

Josh and I should really go more often, but… we always come up with some excuse not to go:
Our car doesn’t work very well
It’s too far away (it’s really not, though)
We don’t have enough time
Our car is too dirty
Our apartment is too dirty
Ya know… stuff like that. You wouldn’t think that our car or apartment being too dirty would stop us from going there, but, it really does because I obsess over stuff being too dirty, and then I can’t enjoy the blessing of the Temple.

BUT Friday was a special occasion. My nineteen-year-old brother(in-law) was able to attend the temple for the first time. It was so beautiful being there, and being able go through the temple with him. I am glad that I have a brother who has a desire to enter the Temple and keep the covenants that he made with our Father in Heaven. What a wonderful day indeed!
Here are some pictures. :o) {I didn’t get any pictures with everybody after the trip because it was raining cats, dogs, and cows}.

It was nice to be there, I love the Temple grounds. They are so peaceful and beautiful.

I hope that everybody’s Sunday has been magical! Sorry that I didn’t post what made me happy this week. I worked all day on Saturday, and on Friday Josh and I were exhausted when we got home.

Oh yeah, if you want to know WHY we have Temples you can watch this video :o)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Come what may

And love it…

This sort of has a little to do with what I blogged about yesterday.
I found this video, and it made me smile so I thought that I would share it with you.

Have a great Thursday! :D I had a Geology test today. Ugh.
But guess what?! There is no school on Monday, and that is REALLY EXCITING! I get to sleep in! And then work on a paper. Woohoo!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I’m not the only one!

Okay, I know that this blog is supposed to be about my struggles of getting pregnant, and other things. I focus a lot on the other things because, who wants to read about me being so depressed because I can’t have a baby… I don’t want to cry about it all the days. Even though I do to Josh, haha

I was recently talking to my best friend in Rexburg, and she was telling me about a girl that she is friends with that has been having the same problems as me! She is having a hard time getting pregnant as well. My friend also told me that this girl sometimes feel like people are judging her because she does not have a baby. Girl, I know all about that.
It is so hard being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints when you can’t have children, or when you know that it’s going to be a while before you are blessed with children because the Church focuses so much on families. I have encountered many members that kind of… act like I am not having children on purpose, and that hurts. I feel like I have to explain my situation to them, that it’s not because I am NOT trying to have a baby, it’s just taking a while. There have actually been some instances when I do tell somebody that and they respond with, “Oh, well I got pregnant the first time I tried, so it should happen soon for you.”
When women say that to me, I am unsure if they just don’t know what to say, or if they are actually stupid and ignorant about baby making. It’s not an exact science, and I can try and try and try and still not get pregnant. [We have been trying for two years {off and on} and nothing has happened yet.**] It makes me want to punch them in the face. I don’t of course, because that’s rude, but seriously, if you are going to say that… don’t say anything at all.
I am not saying anything bad about the Church. I love the Church. I have a firm Testimony that the Church is true, and I know that without a shadow of a doubt. The Church is one of the best things that has ever happened in my life, and I am so lucky to be a member of this wonderful Church! {if you want to know more about the LDS Church, you should probably click here}

For me… it’s important to keep a nice, sunny outlook on life, though. I have been trying to do that and I feel like things are starting to look up. Josh and I know that we are doing the things that we need to right now. We have been feeling like we are right on  the edge of something really exciting happening to us, and we know that we are doing the right thing about moving down to Provo. Things are happening, and it’s slowly, but surely, coming together.
This video always makes me feel a little bit better. Plus, I just love President Uchtdorf.


**Actually, when I say that nothing has happened yet, it’s a tiny lie. Something happened a few months ago, but then I miscarried. It was frightening and painful, but it happened {at least I was pregnant for a while}, and Josh and I are okay and moving past it and looking forward to a bright future with {hopefully} a lot of babies.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine’s Day!

















Take a couple of years ago when we were in Vegas!

This Valentine’s Day has been fantastical! Josh woke up early with me and made my favorite breakfast {scrambled eggs}, and he bought me a giant Hershey Kiss {I really wanted one… they are so good}. I got Josh something nerdy that I don’t want to talk about because… I was a little embarrassed to buy it, and a snuggly card.

I am so lucky to be married to Josh. He is my very best friend, and I would not be the woman that I am today without him.

Happy Valentine’s Day my love!
I am looking forward to many, many more with you.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Happy late night Saturday!

Merry Saturday night! I hope that everybody’s weekend has been fantastical? Mine was. I spent all day procrastinating my math and English homework. I am really going to have to study/work hard tomorrow. I have a math test and an English paper due on Monday. Yay me! I have been a really bad procrastinator this quarter. It needs to end! I just can’t help it, though.

Anyways, would you like to know what made me smile this week?

10 things that made me smile this week

1. The new song by Taylor Swift “Ours” {I have the video posted below}
2. I got a new out fit for church!!! {Chels, you would love it!}
3. Pizza on Thursday. Wendy’s today. And I wonder why I am having a harder time fitting into my pants… haha
4. Skyping with my best friend that lives in Rexburg, Idaho
5. Having a SUPER long conversation with a really good friend that lives in Provo
6. Getting a new calling at church! You’re lookin’ at the new CTR 6 class teacher!
7. Being told that my 6 year old sister is in my class! WOOT!
8. Cookies
9. Babysitting my friends 2-month old. She is so precious. It drives me crazy.
10. Josh. He has been so snuggly lately. It’s really, really nice.

There was a super sale at Kohl’s this weekend. A clearance sale. I got a new skirt, and a new sweater thingy. They are LC, and were originally 60 dollars… and I got them for like 10 each. IT WAS SO FANTASTIC! I love sales. I LOVE THEMM!!! And, I love Kohl’s. So much. I am really glad that Josh is working there. It’s the best place ever.

Anyways, have a good rest of your weekend! I am going to try and find something spiritual for Sunday’s post, but I can’t make any promises.
Oh yeah, watch this video. It’s so cute.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Oh yeah…

image{this was taken in ‘06 when we were littler and unmarried}

I also got to talk to my really good friend, Lisa yesterday. It was so nice. We haven’t talked in… er… ages. And we haven’t seen each other in longer than that {like almost 5 years… but who’s counting?}
I am excited to move to Provo mostly because she will be there, and Chelso, Sam and Tanee will be there, too… but mostly I am excited to see Lisa again. :o)

I just have to say…


That I stinkin’ LOVE my Kindle Fire. :o)

Oh, and it’s official. We are moving to Provo. Anybody down there know of any super cheap apartments to live? I have been emailing lots and lots of places that are mostly cheap… but if anybody hears anything, let me know!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Big changes

I knew that this year was going to be big.
I just didn’t know how.

One day Josh and I were looking at buying a Condo… and because of our recent robbery, we decided that living in Puyallup is no longer an option for us. So we decided to move. Josh says: “how about looking at --------” I started at him, absolutely shocked. I never thought I would hear that place coming from his mouth.

I immediately started to look at apartments, school, jobs, and activities that we could enjoy when we move there.
We are 85% sure this is happening.
This is happening… it’s actually happening.

Here is a picture. I’m sure that you can guess where we are moving.


We will be in Washington for another 6 months or so to save money so we can move.
This is going to be so great.

And this move will actually happen {unlike the one to Arizona haha}

Have a good night!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It’s Beautiful Outside!

We were so lucky all weekend to be able to enjoy nearly 60 degree weather. It was a miracle for sure… because it’s been freezing and raining for over a month.

This weekend was spent doing homework, and spending time with my husband. It was nice… oh, so nice! I love, love, love the time we are able to spend together, which has been a lot more recently. :D
This weekend was also spent talking to the police because somebody in this wonderful Puyallup area broke into my Geo, dad-in-law’s Pontiac, and Chels'o’s Bravada. This person also stole Chelso’s stereo, and all the contents of her glove box {including the registration}, stole the Geo’s paperwork {registration and other things}, and also the Pontiac’s paperwork {again, registration and such}. This wonderful, wonderful person also switched ALL three of those cars into his name and reported them stolen. We attempted to file a police report online {because that’s what they said to do}, but the website wouldn’t work. At around 10:30 Saturday night the police showed up and knocked on mine and Josh’s basement door… and they had found our information! The police were onto the perpetrator for other things, and when he was running from the cops he dropped all of our stuff at a house that he was squatting in.
Anyways, the policemen stopped by and gave us a police report and told us to expect our cars to be stolen within the next few days. So far we have been lucky because this kid hasn’t come back… yet. Josh’s dad went to the DOL and got it all figured out, and everything that has happened is in the system now. I guess that the bad guy said that we sold him those three cars… and it’s been pretty messy. We are just so lucky that the police were doing their job trying to catch the guy that did this, even though they had no idea what he had done to us. They have his name, and his address so hopefully he will be caught soon.

Anyways, I was looking at blogs… because I do that instead of doing homework sometimes. Even though I already follow this lovely lady… I don’t always read her posts {which is so bad}, and she is amazing. In every way. And I aspire to be like her when I grow up… event though we are the same age. Her blog is The Shine Project, and what she does is fantastical. It makes me smile when I read her blog because I know that there is one person that is impacting the world for the better. She truly is amazing.

Have a great rest of your Monday! :D I am going outside now, since it’s so beautiful.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Happy Friday!

10 things that made me smile this week

1. Two dates with my husband! I am one lucky girl! :D
2. Getting my taxes done… and getting way more back than I figured! Yay!
3. I got my pink case for my Kindle. It’s so cute.
4. Making a new calendar on my white board. I love calendars and schedules.
5. Celebrating my sister-in-law’s 17th birthday! I love her so much.
6. Helping the little boy I babysit go pee. It was weird. The toilet was too high, and he just couldn’t reach it. Hilarious.
7. Wendy’s.
8. Took a couple long naps this week. I guess I needed sleep really bad.
9. Getting caught up on homework.
10. Babysitting for my lovely little snugglies, and the little 3-year-old boy running and jumping into my arms to say “I just really love you, babysitter.” I know he knows my name, but he just insists on calling my babysitter. It’s so cute!

Have a great weekend!
I am going to spend all day doing homework tomorrow. I have a test on Monday in Geology, and I want to get ahead on my reading.
What will you do?

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


So, today was shaping up to be a pretty great day. I didn’t feel overly tired this morning. I got to read scriptures with husband. I found a family doctor that I think Josh will feel comfortable with. We will start making appointments next week {IT’S HAPPENING! IT’S ALL STARTING TO HAPPEN!} I got to class and completely understood what my next English paper is going to be about. I mostly understood my Geology class, too!
Then I came home and started doing math homework. O.M.G. I almost started to cry because I thought I understood it, but I really didn’t. It was a lie. Some stuff I did understand, but… not all of it, which is a little disappointing. Usually I am pretty great at math. Then I had to go to my math class. I almost just walked out, but I love my math teacher to death and I couldn’t do that to him. So I sat and suffered through my class. Thank goodness he didn’t call on me because I would have cried. For sure. Or peed my pants. One of the two, seriously. It was that bad in class.
I hope I can pass this class, because I don’t want to have to take it again. Ugh!

On a better note… Josh and I went out on a date yesterday. We went to Applebee’s and then to WalMart {so romantic, I know}, and then to Kohl’s where I got some new shoes for walking, and Josh got some new jeans for wearing. But not just any jeans. Skinny jeans. And holy canola oil, he is so SKINNY! I have a picture :D. I think he looks attractive, but I always think that.

CIMG3924 - Copy

Have a good night!!!! :D I will see you tomorrow. I love Thursdays!