Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Soul Surfer

Has anybody out there seen that movie?! Seriously, I just watched it today, and it was SO GOOD!!! Talk about a movie that teaches you about faith and not giving up no matter what. It was So.Good.
I pretty much cried during the whole movie. Which, if you know me, isn’t anything new because I cry all the time about everything haha. I even cried during that super bowl commercial with the little kid who was dressed up as Darth Vader and was trying to start the car… the one where his dad pushes the button and it starts? Yeah, that one (see the commercial here). I’m just a big baby haha

The weather has been so nice here lately! Pretty much 80 degrees every day. Which is weird, because I thought that the sun forgot about us. The rest of the country is experiencing heat waves and sunshine, but this little pocket of the country has only gotten clouds and rain this whole summer. It’s so nice to experience something different. :o)
Josh took me on a picnic yesterday to a park nearby that has a lake and a nice little walking trail. So we spent some time together for my birthday (he had to work on my actual birthday) so it was really nice just to get some alone time with him.

Month two is on, and we are really looking forward to it. ;) TMI? Oh well. hehe

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