Monday, August 8, 2011


Do you ever get so frustrated that you just want to cry and throw a tantrum…? Does that happen to anybody, or just me?
Like… when things aren’t going your way, do you just… act like a 5 year old and be really naughty?

Seriously… I am 23 years old, and I got so stinkin frustrated last night that I cried and whined and threw a tantrum… and even said mean things. Then I went out into my car fully intending to drive around to get over it, but instead I sat in it with my keys in my hand and cried. Then I prayed. Then I calmed down. Then I went inside, apologized (in that little kid kind of way with a monotone voice and tears in my eyes) and went to sleep.

Sometimes… I amaze myself at how childish I can be when I want something so bad and it’s not happening. And this tantrum didn’t really even have to do with wanting a baby! But it did make me realize that I am far from patient enough to even have a baby. Maybe that grows with time… right? haha

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