Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bosom Friend

Today, I got to play with one of my besties. She is amazing. A convert, like me. Married to another one of my besties {he introduced me to the Church :)}.
She drove all the way out here from the town I used to live in until I moved to this town. Blah. AND she brought her baby.
My friend basically got pregnant like… 2 seconds after she got married. Not really, more like 2 weeks or something awesome like that. She has been married for just a little over a year, and has a 4.5 month old baby boy. He is seriously to die for. I probably would because he is so stinkin cute.


She came over today because both of our hubbies were working and we didn’t have anything to do, and she graciously bought pizza for ALL of my husbands family. Which was super nice, because… there are a lot of kiddos in this family. Anyways, we left her super-cute sleeping baby at my in-laws house so we could get pizza. And we came back after buying 4 family sized pizzas {holy moly!}
Baby wakes up, and husbands dad picks him up and baby is SO super happy to be awake and to have loves from a bajillion different people. I had never seen him so happy right after he wakes up from a nap before. I mean, of course he is always happy to have woken up from a restful slumber, but it only lasts for so long until he is hungry again. He was giggly and snuggly with pretty much everybody in the whole family, and we ate and had a good time and it was so fun watching all the kids interact with her little boy.
Then I thought, ‘oh dang. I really need to have one of those stat.’ And right after I thought that, a few of husbands younger siblings said, “HEY! you two need to have a baby now!” Don’t I know it.

Anyways, I am so happy that I got to visit with my friend. I feel like it’s been ages since we have seen each other, even though it was only a couple of weeks ago. Did I mention that she lives 13 hours away? That’s FAR AWAY! But her and her little family are visiting for the month of August because her husband has a whole month off of school! woohoo!
I feel like she truly is my “bosom friend.” If you have seen Anne of Green Gables, you know what that means. And if you don’t have one of those, then you should really get one. They are amazing.

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