Thursday, August 18, 2011


So, I spent the night at my friends house on Monday. She is moving in with her boyfriend this weekend ALL the way up in Sequim. So lame, because now… we won’t be able to have slumber parties anymore. At least, not just “girl time” slumber parties. Now… we are going to have “married people slumber parties”.
It’s weird because she is getting married in November. I know, I am already married, so it shouldn’t be weird… but it kind of is. Her mom cried on Tuesday morning when I was leaving because she was so happy that I have been coming and spending the night, helping Liz with her wedding stuff (I am her Matron of Honor after all) and that I have been Lizzy’s bestest friend since the 2nd grade. It’s been like… 16 years or something crazy ridiculous like that. The longest friendship that I have ever had, and I hope that we are able to be besties for the rest of time. And probably eternity, too.
She is marrying a boy who is an inactive member of my Church. It’s pretty awesome because, I would love for her to become a member. She doesn’t want to, though… and that’s okay. Maybe… MAYBE someday. ;) And, the best part about her being my best friend (me being a member), and marrying her awesome future hubby (being an inactive member)… is that when she is alllllll moved into her apartment, her next door neighbors, are going to be the MISSIONARIES! Yes, that’s right. It’s awesome. Coincidence? I think not. Signs from above people.

I found these old pictures from High School! Haha! The first one, we just got done swimming in her pool… or we were about to go swimming… one of the two (notice how sunburned my arms are…?!) and the second one we are at PLU for our Christmas choir concert just goofing off. Nothing new there! :o)

Anyways, what’s random about this post? Nothing really… OH! except for the fact that I had a dream last night I was at Disney Land, riding on Splash Mountain. It wasn’t weird, except for the fact that the ride suddenly flipped around and we went down the BIG slide backwards. It was so scary. I almost had a heart attack when I went on it like a year and a half ago. I couldn’t even imagine doing it backwards. AH!

Tuesdayish we will know if this month was a fail. :o)

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