Wednesday, September 28, 2011


after reading this blog {they have the cutest baby ever} and feeling super guilty that I didn’t get to enjoy our general relief society meeting {silly fair again} I also decided that it would be a good idea to write down, once a week, ten things that make me happy. And my sister also did this!

10 things that have been making me smile this week

1. Finding an old CD that I have been wanting to listen to forever. Seriously, it was the best moment of my life haha
2.  Waking up this morning to the sun shining, and my husband hitting the snooze on his alarm so he could snuggle me for just a little longer.
3. Snuggling my kitties. They are seriously so sweet.
4. When I go to my sisters blog and she has her playlist playing, and it’s a song I really needed to hear. go sister!
5. My school classes. Seriously, I am so glad to be back in school.
6. Being able to spend time with my husband now that the fair is done. 17 days is too long to not really see my husband.
7. Actually being able to read my scriptures and get something out of it.
8. Blogging.
9. The blessings that I have been receiving lately.
10. Bacon wrapped twinkies. Yes, you heard me. So.Good.

I am planning on doing this every Friday… something to end my week with. I think that it will really help me put into perspective all the good things in my life. And, I am also going to start journaling again as well. I have really missed it. :o)

Happy Wednesday!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

All work and no play

makes me a super bad blogger.

Seriously, what is WRONG?! Oh yeah… I have been working 14 hours a day and then I started school.
BUT! now, I am back. and the fair is done. and i am so happy. really. no longer do i, or any of my siblings, have to wake up at the crack of dawn {not literally, but it felt like it some days i tell ya} and go to work for 12-14 hours it is a nice feeling.

I am back in school. HOORAY HOORAY! and I am kicking butt. Granted, it’s only been a week, but… what can ya do. I am ahead in my school work {yeah, you heard me right… it’s a MIRACLE!} and josh is doing so good at supporting me {not only financially, but also emotionally about this whole school thing.} he says {and this might be tmi} “you are the smartest girl at the school. and not to mention, the sexiest” yeah, I know. It’s so classically what a husband would say, but it makes me feel happy that he thinks I am smart. the sexy part is just… ya know… what he says. haha cause most days I don’t feel that way.

Random, but when I was working at the fair… I lost a total of 5 lbs. the last five lbs. I needed to reach the weight I was when I married josh. now I just want to get a little bit closer to what I was when I actually met him. which is about 10 lbs. lighter and I will be a happy camper. preferably before my friends wedding in November, but… I realize that is not very realistic… or healthy. But I will keep up eating healthy and running {oh yeah, I get to start running again! woohoo!} so that will be fun.

ANDDDDDDDDDD I don’t remember when the last time I blogged was. probably when I wasn’t super busy with the fair, but probably during the fair… lemme see… it was like 10 days ago. BUT I don’t think that I said anything about baby making or anything. I think I touched on it briefly for a second. but I wanted to let you know that josh and I tried this month, but it wasn’t anything special because the fair started, and I was so tired, and I was starting school, and life happened and all of that stuff. anyways, we are still waiting to see if anything is happening. I actually forgot in all the fair hullabaloo when I was supposed to start so… I am just waiting and waiting and waiting. haha, I will keep you updated for SURE, though.

Well. I am going to eat. I haven’t eaten anything more than wheat thins and grapes for 17 days. silly fair and all your busy-ness! :o)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011


I have been working at the Western Washington Fair {er.. the Puyallup Fair} and I have been noticing either a LOT of newborn babies or a LOT, LOT, LOT of pregnant women. Like women that are ready to POP within seconds. It’s crazy. And I’m thinking… wow. How can they walk around. Especially last weekend when it was like 90+ degrees here {crazy, I know} and they were just struttin’ their stuff like it was going out of style {I swear ladies, pregnancy probably will never go out of style}. But there they were. Pregnant. In the really hot weather. I was dying and I wasn’t pregnant. Crazy.
Anyways, I was talking about it with one of my many sisters working at the fair {there are 5 of us working there… me, three sisters, one brother} and she looked at me and goes “is it weird that I am having baby envy?” And I said “No. Because I do. All.The.Time.” It might only be weird for her because she is 16… Haha!
But, really. Seeing all these pregnant ladies and their really excited husbands or boyfriends or whatever they may be makes me really anxious to have a child. I want to be pregnant. I want to be able to feel like I am doing something important… like bringing a child to this earth. It’s important stuff, people! You might think it’s crazy to bring a child into such uncertain times, but I want to! It can only make them better, stronger people in the long run. I think. WELL anyways, I just want a baby SO BAD! And, I pretty much want one right now. This second. But I can wait. If I have to. I will just be really impatient and grumpy because it’s not happening fast enough.
But I am starting to understand that things happen when they happen. And they happen for a reason. And when the time is right, it will happen.
I just wish it was now.

On another note, I got my bridal shower invitations today! WOOHOO!!! and I am SO EXCITED!!! Because I addressed everything and put stamps on them and now I just have to mail them out… which I am going to do tomorrow!! :o) I feel like the best Matron-Of-Honor EVER in the whole world.
I pretty much am. :o)

Have a great weekend!!!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Yay Shutterfly!

I created that using shutterfly just now. I was really excited because it’s the first time that I ordered through shutterfly!
It was super easy, and affordable, too. Yay!

And, it’s for my besties bridal shower. So excited.

Photo Card

Takes The Cake Bridal Shower
Send Shutterfly Valentine's Day cards to those closest to you.
View the entire collection of cards.


I am really enjoying today. It was overcast for half of the day, and I loved it. Now it is sunny and currently 67 degrees. I actually wish that I was working right now because it would be ideal.

Have I mentioned that I am working at the fair? It.Is.AWESOME. The first day was ridiculous. I enjoyed it, but not as much as I wanted to. But the last couple of days were amazing, fun filled days. I love the fair people.
I love the fun people that I get to see.
I love Mango and Dango. I have gotten to see them a couple of times already at the fair. And they are the BOMB! I seriously think that they are so funny.
Two of my sisters got a picture taken with them. I am so jealous.
mango and dango
{Dango, friend, Lily, Chelsey, Mango}
--I apologize for not knowing friends name. She is Chels’ friend.--
{thank you again instagram app! and sister Lyndsey for taking these pictures.}

I work in the Gyros booth. It is fun. It’s been so hot the past three days that I worked that I thought I was going to DIE. DIE people! But, I didn’t. And that was lucky. The first day, though… I was so dehydrated. It was terrible when I got home. The second day I tried to stay hydrated as much as possible, but… it was still not easy because I was sweating so much. It was No.BUENO! Yesterday was good, though. I was really hydrated. {FYI I did drink a couple glasses of water after I got home from work before I passed out asleep after showering}
The weird thing is, though… even though I was so dehydrated I have been waking up in the middle of the night the past few nights just to pee. What’s that about? I didn’t think there was any water left in my body to pee out… {tmi… I know.} And I went potty before I went to sleep, too. So weird.

I have a feeling that this month Josh and I aren’t going to be pregnant. I just think that this was one of those months that was too weird. Too much going on. Not enough thinking about babies. That’s okay. There is still next month, and the month after. And all the other months, too.
We talked about something the other day. About adopting. It wouldn’t happen for a LONG time. Because adoption is expensive {so is having a baby, holy cow} but having a baby is something I so desperately want. I want to be pregnant. At least once. Anyways, our Church has an adoption program that’s amazing and someday, Josh and I are going to adopt a baby. If for whatever reason we can’t get pregnant we will adopt. Even if we can, we still will adopt. There are so many children out there who need good homes and good mommies and daddies. We have also thought about being foster parents. I like that idea, too. But we shall see.

Life is good for the both of us. :o)

Sunday, September 11, 2011



Nobody who was alive during the attacks on the World Trade Towers on
September 11 2011 will ever forget the events that unfolded.
A beautiful September day in NYC and Washington DC turned dark and dreary after a terrorist attack that brought down both of the Towers, and destroyed part of the Pentagon.
But, I will never forget. I will never forget those that sacrificed their lives to find people lost in the rubble. I will never forget those that sacrificed their lives to stop the terrorists that took over Flight 93.

I am grateful to live in the United States. And I am so, so, so grateful for all of those men and women who gave their lives on this day 10 years ago.
I am also grateful for the men and women serving our country right now so we are able to keep our freedom, and to help those who need it.

I love this song, so much.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


A friend posted this on her facebook… and I actually feel super ridiculous right now.
How is it that after all this time, I didn’t even know HOW to fold this. Unbelievable.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

When Motivation Strikes

Josh had Monday off. It was lucky because it was labor day. And it was lucky because I really wanted to get our room sorted out because it was driving me crazy.
Now it looks so much better.

{picture two: our pile of boxes all nice and neat in the corner}

{picture three: no more table in front of our clothes. Just lots of laundry to do}

{and, also I am so thankful for the instagram app for making my room look awesome}

I am so happy that everything is put back to normal. Surprisingly, we only gave one black garbage bag of stuffed animals and a couple of random small boxes of stuff to Goodwill. We only had one small garbage bag of actual things that we couldn’t give away and threw in the garbage. I was surprised. Then we also found we could combine a lot of boxes into other boxes and it looks like we have a lot less stuff. But really, we don’t. It’s pretty much the same.

SO, I am sure you are wondering how everything is … er … going? Everything is going great. I guess. Last month was a fail. Which is okay. It wasn’t at the time, I cried a lot. I was SUPER emotional. But now it’s time for this month ALREADY! And, yeah. Now it’s just… time to do our thing, and then wait and wait and wait. That’s the worst part. But lucky for me I start working on Friday {at my state fair! woohoo!} and then school starts on the 21st. I am really excited about that. So I have a lot of things occupying my time. :D
On another note…
Yesterday Josh’s youngest brother asked his mom where babies come from. He is almost 12. And it was like 10 at night, and we were all tired and giggly and so it was funny. But, instead of just telling him straight away where babies come from and all that kind of awkwardness, Josh’s mom asked “well, what do you think happens. Where do you think babies come from?” And I thought that was a good way to be able to tell kids about that kind of thing. Get their point of view on it, and then correct them and give them the right information. He didn’t really say too much, and then in the end he decided he wasn’t sure he wanted to know… so he has yet to find out where they actually come from {and he did have an interesting idea…}. I know that I have a VERY long time before my children ask me about babies and that sort of stuff, but it’s nice to get an idea of how to tell them when they ask.

It’s another scorcher here in the PNW {80 degrees right now! whew!} but it’s nice. I have no idea how long it’s going to last. :)

Sunday, September 4, 2011

when the pipes leak

we have to move all the boxes and create a big huge mess in our studio apartment/room in Josh’s parents house.
It’s so fun.
{first: the bare wall where all of our stuff used to be}
{second: the culprit pipe that broke}
{third: poor chubby miko looking at all the stuff at the end of the bed}
{fourth: boxes piled on one side of the bed}

Hopefully, though, all will be put right tomorrow. It’s giving Josh and I an opportunity to go through all of our stuff again and give a lot of goodies to Goodwill! Yay! :o)

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Today, I am doing a lot of laundry. Usually my laundry day is Friday, but I had to switch because I am going to the Temple tomorrow. This is where I was married. It is a beautiful place.


But anyways, I am so happy to be going because I have REALLY needed to go. Like really, really bad. I always know when it’s time to go because I get emotional about everything. Haha! Poor Josh has been having to endure it. But he’s a good man.

Today, Josh watched Rio (super cute movie!) with me. As I was switching laundry around the littlest sister cried about something and was comforted by somebody, but when I came back into the family room where the movie was playing the littlest sister was snuggling next to the oldest brother (Josh). It was super cute, and I felt so warm and peaceful inside. I wish I had gotten a picture of it because it was just so super snuggly.
I know that Josh is going to be a really great daddy. And I am going to be the super emotional all the time mommy. It’s alright. I have come to terms with it. :)