Thursday, July 28, 2011


So, Josh and I at the moment are living with his family. And… needless to say, they are a little… er… intense. But don’t get me wrong, I love them.

Josh is the oldest of 12. I am the youngest of 5. He is so patient because he is the oldest of 12. I am not very patient probably because I am the youngest, pretty much the only child (I think I mentioned before that my siblings are 12-17 years older than me).
Anyways, Josh has a 5 year old sister. She is SO FUNNY! She makes the FUNNIEST faces I have ever seen, and says the craziest things. Like one day she was outside playing and she accidentally swallowed a moth. I know, a moth. Really random, right? But she runs inside and said “I SWALLOWED A MOTH!!” and we looked at her and laughed and, very seriously, she says “I am going to die. They are going to lay eggs in me and eat my heart.” Where she comes up with this, I have no idea.
But she has a great imagination. And she is amazing.

I can only hope that my kids are as insanely funny as she is. And that they have a really awesome imagination.

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